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waking up the next morning brought on instant dread and regret. although ivy's aim was to get absolutely peppered, the last thing she thought about was the consequences. even trying to have the faintest idea of the night before brought on a severe headache and a sickly feeling in her stomach rose at the thought of alcohol. all she could remember was being sick, continuing to drink and simon taking her to bed, but even those memories appeared foggy.

groaning, she weakly reached for the glass of water on her bedside table and took a small sip of it. all she could think about was the mess that was in her kitchen and how difficult it would be to tidy up with an extreme hangover. suddenly, the night before felt like a terrible idea.

ivy's phone vibrated against the surface, message after message, but she chose to ignore them. she knew it would simply add to the misery of what she was already feeling, especially if people were only going to remind her of the previous night. however, after one certain ping, she felt the sudden urge to pick up her phone and look at it. it was from simon. for some reason, he was a special ring, even if it sounded the same as all of her other contacts.

from simon
how you feeling?

to simon

she felt annoyed at herself for allowing her nerves to get the better of her, leading her to drink copious amounts of alcohol on an empty stomach. when it came to the party, everything was fine, even the way that simon behaved with her. ivy assumed that her night would be a lot different and very awkward, but she was grateful that it somewhat felt like old times. even if she was waking up in an empty bed.

from simon
haha i thought so, i wanted to talk but we can save it til you're better

"what?" she grumbled quietly, staring at the message in front of her. what could there possibly be to talk about? from what she could remember in her fuzzy brain, which was still very scarce, nothing necessarily happened between the two.

to simon
it's fine, come round :)

from simon
are you sure?

to simon
of course

his fast replies overwhelmed her with fear. she began to think about every bad thing she could have possibly done, but nothing came to mind. so then her imagination sent her crazy, thinking about every mistake she could have made whilst drunk, but surely if it was that bad, she would remember. right?

from simon
okay, i'm gonna set off soon

taking a deep breath in, she slowly moved her feet from beneath the covers. as she stood up, she could barely hold up her own weight making her way to her bathroom. she slowly made herself look slightly more presentable, if that was even possible in the state that she was in. perching herself on the edge of her bed, she weakly slid a pair of leggings on before someone made their way into her room.

"hey." sage mumbled, resting her head against the doorframe with furrowed eyebrows, "where are you going?"

"nowhere," ivy shook her head, "simon's coming round and i can't exactly be chilling in just a hoodie and knickers when he get's here." she laughed.

"i'm sure he wouldn't mind." sage smirked, "why's he coming round anyways?"

"honestly, i have no idea, said he wanted to talk about something." ivy shrugged her shoulders before running a hairbrush through her hair, "i'm a bit nervous because i don't know what there is to talk about."

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