Part 1

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"May day...May day!"

The only sound I can hear is the pilot's yelling through the headsets. My fingers grip the seat, like it would save my life. My heart is racing. I know there is no saving us or the plane. I don't know what happened. I've been on hundreds of planes, I've flown through hostile territories, and never have I ever felt this kind of fear. We were going down and there was no way to stop it and no help anywhere close. I closed my eyes and said a little prayer before...nothing.


"Venus! Captain has an assignment for you."

Ughh...I groan as I nod and get up. It's been quiet around here lately and I don't mind. I've only been stationed at this base for about a month now. It has been the least stressful place outside of the States I've been in my military career. I spent most of my active duty in the middle east during some not so friendly times. 

"Well boys I guess you'll have to find somewhere else to kill your brain cells."

The guys groan as I shut off the game system and kick everyone out of my room. It doesn't take long before I'm the only one in my room. I slide on my boots and head out to the captain's office. 

I wipe the sweat from the back of my neck before it can run down my back. The biggest flaw to the location of this base is the heat and humidity. I've been stationed in the desert for years and I would take that dry heat over this humidity anyday. I'll probably need to change my clothes when I get back from this meeting. I wonder what my new assignment will be. I open the door and I don't even have to knock. Captain tells me to come in. I stand at attention and salute.

"At ease, Staff Sergeant, I'm going to get straight to it. We have a guest on base. We are flying him out to do some LiDAR scanning of the jungle. You will be his escort. Airman First Class Harrison will be your pilot. You're scheduled to fly out at 0700. Any questions?"

"No Captain."

"Good day Staff Sergeant."

He handed me a file before I turned and left. Short and to the point never described a better person. I didn't care for Captain Phillips but I would never be less than respectful to him. He seemed to be a robot on auto pilot. He wasn't a warm person and I just couldn't connect with someone like that. 

I stepped back out into the moist heat of the day. Thankfully the sun was setting and it would help cool the air a little. When I make my way back to the barracks I smile when I see Sam standing outside my door with food in hand. 

"Venus, It's about time. I thought you'd be in."

"Captain what did you bring me?"

I open the door and allow him in. I was excited to see what he had brought. The base didn't have the best food and it's not like you could just drive out and get some fast food like back in the States. But Sam's family was always sending him "comfort foods" from home. I couldn't hold back my smile and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Oh My God, I could kiss you right now."

I literally bounced on my toes in excitement as he pulled the homemade mac and cheese out of the bag. The fact that he could cook his mother's homemade recipes was always a teasing point. Honestly I was so thankful for the food I fought to keep my mouth shut most of the time. After making my plate of two full servings of mac and cheese we sat down on my couch.

"So what did the captain want?"

"I have to babysit a civilian tomorrow. Some scientist, I think. Nothing exciting. Don't worry I'll be back for trivia night to kick your ass."

He chuckled. I turned on the TV and the rest of the night went as usual. After eating we cuddled on the couch watching DVDs of our favorite TV shows. At the moment we were half way through That 70s Show. 

I could feel my eyelids shutting. To stop myself from falling asleep I stand up and clean up. Sam knew what that meant without me saying a word. He gathers his stuff and tells me good night. Kissing me on the forehead before walking out the door. I shut everything off and crawl into bed. Seven am is going to come way too soon.

As I walk up to the plane I see two men talking to each other. When I'm close enough Airman Harrison salutes me. I return the gesture. I turn to the other man and shake his hand.

"Good Morning. I'm Louis Grant."

"It's nice to meet you. I hope everything is ready for our trip today. I read over the flight plan. We are doing repeat sweeps of the Congo rainforest."

"Yes! I hope to scan the area with the LiDAR and see what we are missing under all that green jungle."

I nod my head. He was a hyper one. I only know the basics of LiDAR but it was too early for this kind of chit chat. 

"Well if we are ready to go." Harrison nods. "Let's get in the air."

To my dismay Dr. Grant was a morning person and excited about the events of the day. He continues to chat away while we all get situated in the plane. I sigh and drone him out. The sounds of the plane help. I look at Airman Harrison and I can see a mutual dislike for our verbal guest. I smile and it makes me feel a little better. 

After a few hours of flying over the vast green canopy all hell breaks loose. 

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