Part 16

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I glance around but I don't see anyone. I look behind me and see someone far away on the sidewalk. I don't recognize them and continue on my way. 


Again I stop. There is no one else around so he must be talking to me. I just smile as he makes his way closer.

"I'm sorry you have the wrong person."

I go to turn back around but the man is suddenly close enough I can see his face. I am held captive by two blue orbs. My heart races. I blink the rain out of my eyes as I look up at the tall figure now standing in front of me. My eyebrows pinch together in confusion.


My gaze roams over him and I'm speechless. He looks so different. I start to reach up to touch his hair. He's cut it short. Before my fingers touch his hair my cell phone goes off. I am snapped out of it and look at the screen.

Dinner is ready -S

I look back at Tarzan and smile.

"Sorry, it's great seeing you again. I have missed you. I have to go but are you busy tomorrow?"

I hate leaving so soon. I am just so confused by his appearance. I wasn't expecting to see him. I don't know what to say...where do I start? Plus Sam is waiting for me for dinner so I have to go. 

"Of course, tomorrow. Good night Jane."

I am speechless by his deep voice that I almost forget to say goodbye and I just quickly throw out a "good night."

Still in shock my body goes stiff as he leans down and wraps his arms around me. I inhale his scent and practically melt into him. My arms cling to him. My mind might be frozen and confused but my body instantly remembered him. Too soon he pulled away, placed a kiss on my forehead like he's done so many times before, and stepped back. 

"See you tomorrow Tarzan."

With slight hesitation I turn and walk away. I walk back to Sam's in a daze. After such a long time apart it was oddly strange to see him again. I thought I'd be happy and excited, full of joy...but in reality it felt nothing like that. It was weird and awkward. 

When I get back to the house I clean myself up and sit down for dinner. 

"How was your workout?"


"You seem even more out of it since you left and you've barely eaten.    your tacos...I was just curious if something happened."

I look down at my plate and realize he is right. I think back to my workout. It was the last thing on my mind. Then I remember the girls gossiping at the gym. 

"Actually I did hear some interesting gossip at the gym."

I smile at him, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah what's that?"

"I guess since I'm staying here with you we are a serious couple and your groupies are jealous."

I tease him. He rolls his eyes and laughs with me, but not before I see a hurt look cross his face. Not sure why, I ignore it and try to eat some more of my food. We are silent for the rest of the meal, the quietness is no longer one sided though. When I finish eating and look up at Sam he is the one deep in thought now. I clean up and say good night before heading to bed. 

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