Part 11

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I used the next two days to spend as much time as possible with Tarzan. I told him I was leaving but I don't think he really understood. I had to explain to him how it wasn't up to me. That I was flying back to the United States and wouldn't be anywhere close. The news put a dark mood over the rest of the weekend. I also spent time with my other friends and Sam. It was hard to say goodbye.

Now I am sitting on a plane flying over the ocean back to the states. There are so many emotions I think I've completely shut down because now I feel numb. For the first time ever I wasn't ready to leave my unit, I wasn't ready to leave Tarzan, and I sure as hell wasn't ready to get back on an airplane! I know they say the best thing to do after falling off the horse is to get back on it...but COME ON! I almost died in a plane crash less than a month ago. And my adrenaline was too high to even remember the helicopter ride from the jungle to the base so it doesn't really count. 

We finally land in Atlanta, Georgia. I jump in a cab and head to the base. I turn my cell back on and have a text from Sam saying to let him know I landed safely. I guess I'm not the only one nervous about me flying again. 

Safely back on ground. hope I don't have those jitters when I get back in the pilot seat. GA is just as hot and muggy as there...WHY!?! -G

Once on base I went through all the ins and outs to get my housing and everything. By the end of the day I was ready to pass out but I forced myself to sit down and eat dinner. My cell pinged. I checked the text.

Haha yeah. Welcome to my life! Dad was stationed there most of my childhood. We are already missing you here. -S

His text makes my heart ache. I miss them too. But I need to move on. Get some sleep and wake up starting anew! 


I shimmy into a dress. It's tighter than I normally would wear but I got talked into it. My friends and I are going out tonight. It's nice to go out and let loose. I like to think I am back to my old self. I have come to the conclusion all the emotions and crying was due to trauma, PTSD. Once I got to Atlanta I got back to work and found my new normal. Only on rare occasions when Sam calls or texts do I get a little emotional. I try to block it all out of my memory. 

There is a knock on my door and I drop my make-up to answer it. It's Annie, a new friend I have made during my time on base here. 

"I knew you'd look great in that dress!" 

She follows me back to the bathroom, where I finish my make-up.

"Thanks, but it's a bit short. I'm going to be pulling it down all night."

There's another knock at the door and I'm glad I'm finished and ready to go. I smile when I open the door for Matt. 

"You girls ready to go?"

Annie and I say "Yep" at the same time as we step out the door. I make sure the door is locked before we head out. When we get to the car we find Phil and Conner already inside. Since Phil is already in the front seat, Annie and I slide into the back with Conner and Matt gets in the driver seat. The music comes on and the night starts. 

My time here is almost over and we are out "celebrating" the fact. I only have a week left and I have mixed feelings about it. I am going to miss my new friends but this is not something I haven't done before. Between foster care and military life...leaving people is normal to me. But there is also a bittersweet feeling about leaving the air force. I decided a while ago I wasn't going to renew...but it's pretty much all I've known my adult life. 


I jump at Phil yelling at me. I didn't realize I was staring out the window in my own little world. I smiled embarrassed.


They all start laughing. I focus back in on the conversations happening in the car until we get to the club. Once we were inside our group found a table. 

After a few arounds Annie pulls me out to the dance floor. It doesn't take long before the guys are with you, "protecting" us from unwanted groping. 

I relax into the music and our usual routine. I see Conner behind Annie and tilt my head back and smile at Matt. Which leaves Phil to watch the table. I find this odd because Phil is always on the dance floor, but whatever. I close my eyes and sway to the beat. 

I don't hear it because of the loud music but I feel Matt's cell vibrate. He looks at it. He turns to all of us and says he will be back in a minute Phil needed him. We all nod and go back to the music. A great song starts up and Annie smiles at me...uh oh that's never a good thing. Before I know it the two of us have Conner sandwiched between us. Annie is in front of him and I'm behind him. We are having fun teasing Conner and he doesn't know what to think of it. 

I feel a hand wrap around my waist and pull me back. At first I assume it's just Matt returning. I look up into my dance partner's face and freeze. It's not Matt!

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