Part 8

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I make my way out into the lobby and with-in a step or two I am enveloped in a set of arms.

"It's true!"

I'm so shocked I forget to embrace the person in return. He pulls away from me and it finally registers Sam is the one holding me. It's a weird feeling being in his arms. I smile at him and step back out of his embrace. 

"I heard the rumors but I couldn't bring myself to believe it until I saw for myself. How? What happened?"

"It's great seeing you too. I can explain later. Right now I'm headed back to the barracks to get cleaned up. Actually can you take me by the hanger to get my keys and stuff?"


We didn't talk much on the way to the hanger and then to my room. Sam was never one for small talk. But I could feel the relief washing off of him. I could also sense the many questions he was waiting to ask. 

When I finally made it back to my room I told him thank you and that I would find him tomorrow to tell him about my adventures in the jungle. He hesitated in the doorway before nodding. He hugged me one more time and walked away. 

I stood in the middle of my room. I looked at the TV and couch area. I looked at the small kitchen area. I felt nothing. I have no connection to this room or any of this stuff. I have not missed it and feel no need to stay. 

I head into the bathroom and start the shower. As I strip off my clothes I see my reflection in the mirror for the first time in almost a week. I groan and look away. I step into the hot shower and relax into the water. As great as it feels I make haste to get back to the hospital. I comb through my wet hair when I get out. I don't even try to stop it from curling naturally. I don't have time for all of that. I am starting to look normal again. 

I grab my toothbrush and start cleaning my teeth. Wow, I have gotten to use the toilet and now the shower, and yet in this moment it's my toothbrush and clean teeth I have missed the most. I can't help but laugh at myself as I turn off the light and walk out of the bathroom. I put on a pair of lounge pants, fresh clean sports bra, and a t-shirt. Clean clothes! 

I grab my keys and head out. Thankfully the hospital isn't too far from the barracks. I walk straight there and head back to Tarzan's room. No one says anything to me.

I am relieved to find Tarzan asleep when I enter. Just seeing him makes me feel better. I can't really explain the feeling I get when I'm away from him.

I am sitting next to him resting my head on the bed when the new nurse comes in. She quietly checks his vitals. She smiles at me before leaving.

I lay my head back down and close my eyes. My neck and back are going to hate me in the morning. As I am about to drift off to sleep I feel Tarzan stir. I lift my head and find his gaze locked on me. 

"Did I wake? I'm sorry. Do you need anything? I can call the nurse."

He gave me a sleepy half smile. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. I nearly fall on him before I steady myself. I look at him confused. He points at the bed. 

"You want me to lay with you?"

He nods. I shake my head. 

"I can't. I might hurt you."

I watch as his face tenses.


My heart skips a beat, like it does everytime he speaks. I blush and think about it. The IV and his wound are on the left side so if I'm careful I should be able to lay on his right side. I walk around his bed.

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