Part 21

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"Oh my gosh I am so happy to be back in this bed and out of that horrible hospital bed!"

Sam laughs at me as he stands in the doorway to my bedroom. He seems nervous. I watch as he runs his hand up and down the back of his head and neck. I smile at him.


"I have to leave. I'll only be gone for an hour. Will you be ok?"

I want to roll my eyes at him but I know after what I did he has every right to be worried. I smile at him to try and reassure him. 

"I will be fine! I promise. I can text you the whole time if it makes you feel better."

"I won't be able to check my cell...but thank you. I know you will be ok, I'm just...."

"I know. I understand. Like I told you before I won't do it again. I'm just going to lay here and watch a movie until you get back and cook me an amazing dinner because I've been living off of hospital food for days now!"

He laughs at my little rant and I can see he feels a little, very little, better about leaving me alone for the first time. 

"Ok I will see you in a little bit and I'll make dinner...mac n cheese?"

I start to bounce on the bed in excitement.


He beams a smile at me before walking out. I close my eyes and sigh back into the pillows. My solise is disturbed by Sam shutting the door and then voices. The deep voices seem aggressive towards each other and I'm intrigued to see who it is. 

As I get closer I recognize the mystery guest. I swing open the door and both men turn to look at me. 

"Sam, it's ok."

He gives me a look and I know he isn't happy about leaving me with him. I just nod at him and he turns to leave but not before shoulder checking Tarzan on his way past him. Once he leaves I turn my gaze to Tarzan. 

Just looking at this man sends my body in hyperdrive. I open the door wider and step back inside. His large body seems to fill the entire door frame and I can hardly breathe. I have to remind myself I am mad at him. I don't know where to go or what to do so we stand awkwardly by the door. I shift from one foot to the other, wondering what it is he is here for.



We both look surprised by my cut off. I take a deep breath and sigh.

"I hate when you call me Gabrielle."

"But you..."

"I know what I said...I was upset."

I watch as a sliver of hope fills his face as he steps a little closer. 


I almost purr at his nickname for me. It's such a simple thing and most people wouldn't get it but that's what makes it so special. But it hits me he said Jane....not My Jane. My heart breaks a little bit more. I try to strengthen myself for him to tell me about his relationship with Libby. 

He must sense my sudden drop in mood because he reaches out and cups the side of my head with his hand. His fingers slip into my hair and his thumb rubs back and forth on my cheek. I can't stop my body's reaction to lean into his touch. 

"I don't know what to say."

I look up into his crystal blue eyes, oceans of emotion. I start to say it's ok but the words get stuck in my throat. 

"This may take me a minute to get out but just listen."

I nod.

"Jane, from the moment I found you asleep in the jungle I knew you were special. You were the first person I had ever met besides my parents. You were so small but you surprised me by how strong and brave you were. I didn't know what to think or do. Then you changed your clothes and I saw your skin. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before, so soft, you were beautiful. I started feeling things I've never felt before. Watching you relax in the water or how you curled up to me in your sleep. It broke me seeing you cry over my parents. Then you told me you were leaving."

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