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Journal entry 1
December 25th 2019

Merry Christmas! This is my first entry in my brand new journal! Tarzan, or Tumaini if you want to call him by his real name, got it for me for Christmas! There's a long story behind the nickname, one I will share another time. 

Right now I am sitting on my favorite rock, looking over a beautiful pool of water, while listening to a waterfall. Completely at peace! This is my home now!

Living with Tarzan here has been nothing but amazing. Especially after a few upgrades! I brought a small compost toilet for one! Now we have a generator too. Sam made that a requirement. As well as a satellite phone and gps. He says it's for Tarzan's job but I know it's so he can keep in touch with me and check in. 

Sam also has supplies air delivered once a month. Rarely do we go back into town but we decided to keep the bungalow for when we do. Which wasn't my idea but now I'm glad. I think it will come in handy in the near future. 

As I sit here, looking at my handsome husband relaxing next to me, I can't help but smile. Little does he know I am starting my journal much like his mother did, with a little secret of my own!

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