Part 15

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I have been back three days now. I have spent most of my time hanging out at Sam's place. He comes and goes to work and training. I have started looking for some work to keep me from going insane as well. I am sitting on the couch snacking when Sam comes in. He sighs and collapses on the couch with me. He rests his head on my lap. I smile down at him. He gives me a weird look and sits back up. He turns to look at me.

"What's up?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you have been acting weird for days. I haven't seen you smile since we got back."

"I smile."

"No, not a real smile."

He grabs my hand. 

"I'm so happy you came back with me...but if you're not happy here..."

"Sam, it's not that. I'm glad I'm here. I guess it's just strange being back but also being a civilian. I'm still getting used to all of it."

"Ok well why don't we go out tonight?"

"I really don't want to be around a lot of people right now."

I can see his face drop.

"But...maybe this weekend?"

He smiled up at me. 

"Ok. Tonight I'll cook. What do you want?"

"hmmm...Oh how about taco?"

He laughs at me.

"There's that smile I"ve been missing! Sure thing! I have to go get some stuff for it but no problem."

"While you're at the store I think I'm going to get in a quick workout. What time do we eat?"

I ask as I grab my gym bag. 

"Dinner will be ready in about an hour."

He smiles at me and I feel happy and relieved he's not worrying about me anymore. Seeing his face a moment go nearly broke my heart. 

I sigh as I step outside in the humid heat. I make my way to the gym. As I walk through people smile and wave at me. A few even say hi and ask how I have been. Others just stare at me and quickly look away when I turn to them, like I don't know they are staring at me. Feeling their eyes on me almost makes me want to leave the gym and head back to Sam's. I put my earbuds in while I warm up. 

As I'm working out on the elliptical, during a break between songs, I hear a couple girls talking behind me. I pause the music. 

"So that's Sam's new girl?"

"Yep, she's living with him and everything."

"But I thought she was with the jungle guy?"

"Nah, I guess not. I bet that's why he left all of a sudden."

"Don't get me wrong Sam is great and all but I'd take that gorgeous hunk of jungle meat anyday!"

They both laugh. I turn off the machine, with a little more force than necessary. I grab my water bottle, turn around, and get off the machine. Both girls are staring at me, realizing they got caught. Then one smiles, all innocent. I glare at her and snap.

"You have no idea what you are talking about! If I were you I'd keep my mouth shut!"

Before I say anything more I might regret, I storm out of the gym. It is starting to drizzle rain and I close my eyes and look up. The rain is refreshing and helps calm me down. It also helps hide the tears now gliding down her face. Hearing those girls talk about me like that made me feel like I was back in high school. Being tossed around from foster home to foster home I was always the new girl. I often had less than appealing clothes and didn't make friends very well. Being teased, bullied, and talked about like that was a daily occurance. 

Once I've calmed down I look at the time and realize I'm going to be late for dinner if I don't get going. I am almost home when I hear some yelling. At first I don't respond until it clicks.


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