Part 13

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Sam and I spend as much time together as possible during his time in Atlanta. It is nice having him around. He is the closest thing to family I have these days. I can't believe it but my time in the Air Force is over. I am officially a civilian again.

I stare at myself in the full length mirror while Annie helps me zip up my dress. I can hardly recognize myself. She did my hair, nothing too fancy. My make-up was on point for once too. The yellow full-length dress looked great against my dark caramel skin. Annie looks at me and is literally bouncing with pride.

"You look amazing."

"Thanks. I've never been to a fancy party like this, I don't know how I let Sam talk me into going."

"It's his parent's anniversary party. You will be fine."

The doorbell rings and I let out a deep breath. I grab my clutch purse and make my way to the door. A gasp leaves me when I open the door and see Sam standing there in his tuxedo. He is all cleaned up and his hair is perfectly styled. His built body filling out the tux just right. He smirks at me and I smile.

"Wow Venus you look great!"

"Thanks but it's just Gabriella now. I don't like using my call sign name now."

He shrugs as we make our way to the car.

"Whatever you say."

He smiles at me and opens my door for me. I can't help but blush. No one has ever done that for me before. The ride is quiet. I listen to the radio and stare out the window. It's always easy and comfortable with Sam, never awkward.

We pull into the hotel parking lot and Sam stops at the valet. My door is opened for me by an attendant and I thank him as I get out. Sam is waiting and offers me his bent arm. We both laugh at the gesture but I take it as we make our way inside.

"Are you ready for this? Thanks again for coming with me. I hate these things. It might be a party but everyone is trying to kiss the General's ass too. At least with you at my side I won't have to pretend to care about how great someone thinks my dad is just to get to him through me."

I smile at him. He doesn't talk about his dad much. I quickly learned early in our friendship he loved and respected the man. But he also resented him for always being away or busy when he was growing up.

We make our way over to his parents to say hello before finding our seats. The ballroom is elaborately decorated and looks beautiful! I look down at myself, hoping I look like I belong. Sam must see me because he leans down and whispers in my ear.

"You look great. Stop worrying."

We step up to his parents and his mother wraps him in a hug and kisses his cheek. His father shakes his hand. My body tenses and I quickly remind myself I don't have to salute him anymore.

"Mom, Dad you remember Gabrella."

"It's so nice to see you again."

"Thank you Mrs. Clark and Congratulations on your anniversary."

After I awkwardly greet the General we find our seats. I should not be surprised that we are at the same table as his parents. The dinner is amazing. I will have to remember to thank Sam for forcing me to come. Sam is talking to his dad and I am chatting with his mother. It is nice. I feel at ease which is a great relief.

"And thank you again Mrs. Clark for sending Sam all those amazing care packages. Also for teaching him to be such a great cook. If it weren't for you two I probably would have starved over the years."

"I believe we supply everyone with enough food and a great variety of food to survive on. Where do you feel the bases are lacking?"

I am speechless at the General's sudden attack. Thankfully Sam saves me.

"Gabie why don't we dance?"

He grabs my hand and pulls me out on the dance floor before I can reply. He lays one hand on my lower back and we start to glide around.

"Sorry about that."

"I didn't mean to offend the Air Force's ability to feed us, I just..."

"I know, but when it comes to the General everything is personal and usually taken the wrong way."

I sigh.

"Really don't worry about it. He will probably forget by the end of the night anyway."

When the song is done I drop my arms to walk back to the table but Sam pulls me back to him for another dance. I smile and continue dancing.

"So Gabie what are your plans now?"

I sigh and think about it.

"I don't know. I have been procrastinating like crazy."

"I was thinking...what do you think about you coming back with me tomorrow? You could stay with me until you find a place. I'm sure we can find some work for you."

I literally stopped in the middle of the dance floor. I don't know what to say. I am completely speechless. The thought never crossed my mind. I never thought I'd have the opportunity to go back to Africa. My breathing becomes shallow. A tear runs down my cheek.


It comes out of my mouth without a second thought.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not."

I wipe the single tear away and smile at him. He smiles back at me.

"Well that was an easy sale! I thought I'd have to talk you into it a little more before you'd agree."

We have renewed our dance in a happy silence.

The rest of the night went by in a haze. My mind is running away with itself. I am already halfway around the world. The smile on my face never dimmed. It must be contagious because Sam's wearing the same smile.

I look over at Sam as he drives. I can't believe he wants me to stay with him. My brain is trying hard to think of a way to thank him. I see a smirk appear. I've been caught staring. He just smiles at me and turns his attention back to the road. I lay back into my seat and look out the window.

"So I will send you all the flight details when I get home. Just pack the essentials, we can have anything else sent for if needed."

I nod. "Ok. I don't have much. I'll probably just give it to Annie to have or donate for me."

He gives me a confused look.

"I learned early in life to not hold on to things. I don't get attached to things easily."

I see him nod. He is one of the very few people who know my history. I think back to the first time I met Sam.

We were in Iraq. It was my first time being deployed overseas. He had been there for a few months before my unit showed up. I was walking around the small BX searching for a few things I needed when we literally walked into each other. He helped me find what I needed. We would run into each other around base and found mutual friends. I quickly learned he was 21 to my 20 years old and he had joined right out of high school. A military brat. We quickly became friends and it would stay that way over the next five years. There were times we were stationed at different bases but never for long.


Sam's voice breaks me out of my trip down memory lane. I look around and realize we have stopped outside Annie's house; where I'm staying. Sam gets out and walks me to the door.

"Thank you for inviting me. I had a great time."

"Trust me it was all my pleasure. You really saved me tonight Gabs."

I smile.

"Well have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow."

I reach up and hug him. He wraps his arms around me and returns the hug. He places a sweet kiss on my cheek before saying goodbye and walking back to the car. I go inside and tell Annie about the crazy change in events that came about tonight.

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