Part 29

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~Sam POV~

It's been approximately 63 hours since Gabrielle was taken. Since this rescuse is being done officially I have to follow the rules and protocols. I know how long it takes to get a unit together and a plan of action. I'm sure I've pulled half of my hair out by now, waiting is torture.

Now we are quietly surrounding the site Tamaini says she is being held at. There are about half a dozen tents and close to 20 men walking around working. I don't know how many more men could be in the tents. I don't see Gabrielle either but I figure she is probably in one of the tents. 

As we get closer my men start checking the tents and so far they are empty. This is a bit of relief because I would be greatly outnumbered if there were, but also I need to find her. I look to my side and see Tumaini. He is a man on a mission just like me. I wouldn't be on the receiving end of that raw anger. 

My attention is brought back to the camp when a mine worker sees one of my men. He doesn't make our presence known and I sigh in relief. I know these workers don't want trouble and are just trying to feed their families. They will be arrested for their involvement but we all know who the real problem is. He is motioned to sit down and he complies. As we continue our sweep I am repeatedly relieved as things go well but more concerned that we haven't found her yet. 

We come to the last row of three tents. I start to signal to everyone where to go when I hear a growl and he takes off toward one of the tents. I signal for my men to take the other two tents and follow Tumaini into the third one. As soon as I walked into the tent the smell of blood hit my senses. It's so strong I wonder how I didn't notice it outside. It leaves a metallic taste in my mouth. All the air leaves me and my chest aches at the tightness as I look at a completely shattered Gabrielle. I take a step closer and I hear that growl again. Tumaini has her in his arms but I can see her wrists are bound behind her. I start looking for a key. I don't see it. 

One of my men enters and let me know we have done a complete sweep and 19 men were apprehended. I take one more look at Gabrielle and step outside. I take one look at the men and instantly know which ones are in charge. One I am not surprised to find but one stops me in my tracks. What the hell is Dr. Grant doing here? 

That is the least of my concerns right now. I walk up to Mr. Lynch.

"Where was this one found?"

"In the first tent over there, Sir."

"I need small keys for hand-cuff, shackles. I'm sure you will find them there."

Lynch smirks at me and I don't hold back. I punch him a few times before one of my men stops me. 


I step away and take a deep breath. I watch him spit some blood on the ground before smiling at me again. Before I lose it again I tell them to start heading back, taking the cuffed men back to base. Once I'm handed the keys I return to her tent. I am not surprised they haven't moved. 

I slowly walk closer and show him I have the keys. He doesn't say anything, just watches me walk behind her. As soon as I release her arms he is there to support all of her weight. As I look at them I feel a sadness flow through me. At that moment I realize she is no longer mine but his, if she was ever really mine to begin with. But I also feel relieved because I also see that he will always take care of her and protect her. 

He stands up and starts to walk out carrying her in his arms. During our trek back I glance at her. Her eyes are open and she seems to be staring at the tree as we walk, but she hasn't said anything. None of us really talk but I feel a need to hear her voice to know she is alright. Once we are finally back to base I once again watch as doctors and nurses take her away behind a hospital door. This time I can't stay and I'm glad Tumaini will be here for her. 

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