Part 17

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I stand in my room staring at my clothes. Some are hanging in the closet and some are laying across the bed. I can't deny so many years in a uniform has crippled my ability to pick out clothes efficiently. That and this strange nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach has me unable to choose a single outfit. I let out a small growl and look up at the white ceiling. This shouldn't be this difficult. It's just two people hanging out. I doubt he cares or will notice what I wear. I grab a simple sundress Annie gave me. It's not super dressy and will be cool in this humid heat. 

I look at my phone as I step outside. I have five minutes. I double check the text saying to meet outside the hospital. It doesn't take long for me to reach my destination. I look around for him, reminding myself of his change in appearance. I don't see him so I sit down on a bench. 

I hear the automatic doors slide open behind me and hear a familiar voice. She giggles and I hear her say goodbye to Tumaini. I spin around and feel a stab of jealousy in my chest at the sight of Tarzan and Nurse Libby hugging.

I stand and make my presence known. They step away from each other and look my way. I'm not sure what emotion is on Tarzan's face but Libby is beaming at me. 

"You're really back! I mean I know that's what everyone keeps saying but I'm just so glad to see you. You've been missed around here."

She gives me a quick hug. 

"I have to get back to work but it was great seeing you again."

Just as quickly as she appeared she vanished back inside. I stood there a little unsure. I have that familiar feeling of being watched and look up into Tarzan's eyes. I smile. 

"Thank you for meeting me here. I had a check up and didn't know how long it would take."

I just stare at him. I have never heard him speak so many words at once. I think he senses my surprise.

"Wow, your talking has come a long way since I left."

"I have been working on my speech."

He starts walking and I get in step with him. It's quiet between us but it's comfortable. I don't think about where we're going until he leads me off base. I don't question him but keep a closer eye on our surroundings. 

After a few minutes he grabs my hand and pulls me off the path and into the jungle. After a small trek through the greenery we stop in a very small clearing. He sits down on the ground and motions for me to sit on a fallen tree. I pull my dress tight underneath me and sit. I look around and his eyes are on me. 

"I found this place shortly after you left. I like to come here, it reminds me of home."

I can't help but stare at him. My chest is tight with nerves and joy to be here with him again. I look down at my dirty flats, well at least I chose not to wear flip-flops. I don't know what to say.

"So ho..."

"Come here." He cuts me off.

I look at him and he reaches out a hand. I take it and he pulls me to his lap. I let out a gasp as I ungracefully collapse onto him. He smiles and I can tell he is holding back a laugh. 

"I don't want you to get your pretty dress dirty."

My heart is racing. I can smell him all around me and his arm wrapped around my waist is all I can think about. He leans in and hugs me. 

"I have missed you."

He pulls away and we just look at each other. 

"So what have you been up to since I left?"

I watch him stare off into the jungle, thinking.

"I did as I promised you and stayed around until the doctor said I was completely healed. I went to physical therapy like I was told. I spent time with Libby everyday working on my speech. With the time I had free I explored the jungle around here. That's how I found this spot. I also did a lot of reading. Trying to catch up on history and everything that has changed over the past almost thirty years."

I lose myself in his voice. He still pauses and hesitates during his story telling due to years of not talking but it is amazing to hear him. His deep voice lulls me and I rest my head against his chest. I feel him tense for a second before he lets out a breath and pulls me closer. 

"I was offered a job."


"Once all my identity paperwork was all cleared up they offered me a job helping their teams get through the jungle. Help train a rescue team or something. I guess your accident got them in trouble and they are trying to make sure it doesn't happen again."

I nod. This makes sense but it still surprises me. It also brings up some questions I'm afraid to ask. I look out at the green oasis in front of me. He places a finger under my chin and brings my eyes back to his.

"I know that face. You have questions."

I smile at him. How does he know me so well?

"I have so many questions I don't know where to start."

Looking at him I ask him the first thing that comes to mind.

"Why did you cut your hair?"

He looks a little guilty and shrugs. 

"Do you like it?"

" looks good but it's different. Would you hate me if I said I liked it longer?"

I think this surprises him but he tries to hide it. 

"So if you have been here all this time...where were you when I got back? Everyone said you must have went back home?"

"I did."


"We have to start heading back now before it gets dark."

He stands up and places me back down on my own two feet. Once we are back on the road I focus on what I want to ask him next. But he beats me to it.

"Did you have a good time while you were gone?"

"I made a few new friends. It was nice to be back in the states."

I couldn't look at him from the guilt I felt by not confessing that a part of me had been miserable. A part of me never left this place...never left him. I knew my cheeks were pink. 

"Why did you come back?"

"Well last week I didn't know if I'd ever come back. But then Sam showed up and asked if I wanted to come back with him and I couldn't resist his offer. I never thought he would ask and started to believe it would never happen."

Tarzan is quiet, just nodding as he listens. 

"So why did you go home and come back?"

"No reason."

I look up at him and see a cloudy look in his eyes I've seen a few times. It breaks my heart. It reminds me of the day he showed me his parents' graves. I grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. It doesn't take long before we are back on the base. Before I know it we are standing outside Sam's place. I turn to look up at Tarzan.

"I'd invite you in for dinner but it's my night to cook and well I wouldn't force that on anyone except Sam." I laugh.

He nods. I reach around him for a hug goodbye. He squeezes me before places a kiss on my forehead. God how I've missed that. I head towards the door and smile when I notice he is still standing there waiting for me to make it inside. 

Once the door is shut I sigh and slide down the door becoming a mess of limbs on the floor. I feel like I can breath again. What is it about that man that puts my whole body on alert? 

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