Part 26

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After our first time together Tarzan hasn't been able to keep his hands off of me. I'm not complaining but it was hard making up an excuse to Sam about why we had decided to stay another night. We had spent most of the day and night in bed or in the water. But now it was time to pack it up and move out. Speaking of packing I'm not sure what all he came for but evidently it all fit in his pack. We said goodbye to his parents and started for town. 

I trip over a root and Tarzan grips my hand stopping me from face planting into the dirt. I smile and thank him. He doesn't release my hand. I am so thankful this trek through the jungle shouldn't take as long as the way here. Thanks to gps we know where the house is in relation to the base and we don't have to detour to the crash site. I love the jungle, it's such a magical place but I do hate these hikes. 

I'm pulled from my thoughts as Tarzan suddenly stops in front of me. I stop just short of running into him.



My entire body goes on high alert at the tone in his voice and his tense stance. My head whips around looking for any signs of danger. I don't see or hear anything. I tug on his hand and give him a concerned look. He sighs and whispers to me.

"Somethings wrong. The jungle is too quiet."

I want to say that should be a good thing but before I get the chance something hits me. I was in the military for years and never got shot but I'm pretty sure it feels a little something like this. I see Tarzan eyes grow large as my legs give out and I fall to the ground. He reaches out to me and his hands are on either side of my head. My eyes feel heavy, I blink.


My eyes close but I hear Tarzan let out a growl before his touch leaves me. I try and open my eyes. I see a split second of a blurry Tarzan fighting someone. Then nothing.


It's dark. I'm being jostled around. Moving. I'm moving. Then nothing.


My eyelids are heavy. My body aches. I slowly start to realize I'm sitting up in a chair rather than sleeping in bed. I let out a groan as I try to move. Panic. Adrenaline kicks in and my eyes fly open. I try to get up but can't. I am handcuffed to the chair. With medal shackles...what is this the 19th century? Zip-ties I have been trained to get out of. Hand-cuffs are a little tougher...but shackles!?

I want to scream but I don't know if that's in my best interest. Stay calm, assess the situation. I look around. I'm in a canvas tent. There's a desk to one side and a bed to the other side. Other than that the place is bare. I can hear people outside but no one is talking. 

Where am I and what is going on? Where is Tarzan? God I hope he is ok. 

The tent door flips open and a man walks in. He is tall and by the look of his clothes very well off. He is followed by another man. As I look him over I don't know if I should be nervous or relieved. I'm finding I am feeling both of those plus a little pissed off. 

"I see our new guest is awake. Hello Miss Sawyer, I am Mr. Lynch and I believe you already know Dr. Grant."

I say nothing, just nod. 

"I'm sure you have many questions. I have a few myself."

A third guy walks into the tent. He is smiling at me and I instantly know he is no good. 

"Perfect timing, I was just about to start asking some questions."

The new guy walked closer to me. I try not to show that his presence alone makes my skin crawl. 

"So why are you here?"

I just stare at him. Well that's an easy one.

"My guess is you brought me here."

Before I register what is happening a fist slams into my left cheek. 

"Attitude. I like it but it won't help you here. Let me ask again....what are you doing here?"

Well the only answer I have he doesn't seem to like so I just stay silent. This wasn't acceptable either because suddenly my side is aching from a punch.

"Don't play dumb, we know you are military."

I send a glare to Dr. Grant. He has said nothing since entering the tent.

"Now tell me what you know and what you are doing here."

"I don't know what..."

I'm cut off with another hit, this one to the stomach and taking the breath out of me. I'm starting to see black spots. 

"Let's try another question. Who was the man with you?"

Silence. Another fist to the face. I can taste blood.

"He nearly killed one of my men before running away. I hope you aren't waiting for him to save you. He won't find you here. So tell me what were you two doing out here?"

Silence. Punch to the side. A tear runs down my cheek. The man smiles, thinking he's wearing me down, but my tear is from relief. Tarzan is alive and got away. With that little bit of hope I shut off my mind and body. I barely notice them asking me questions or the hits that result in my silence. 

I am sitting on my rock, wrapped up in his arms. My back resting back on his chest. Water drips down our bodies after a refreshing swim. Staring up at the hundreds of shades of green in the jungle canopy. 

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