Part 7

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I am sitting in the base hospital...waiting. They checked me out and I am fine but Tarzan is in surgery. I am numb. I don't know what to feel so I feel nothing. 

"Staff Sergeant can you come with me please?"

I nod, stand up, and follow the nurse or doctor, I'm not sure and don't care. He leads me to an empty room. He offers me a seat and sits down across from me. 

"I know you have been through a lot but I really need to ask some questions about the gentleman you came in with."

I knew this would happen. I just nod.

"I'm just a doctor and I'm sure you will be debriefed later. I don't need the whole story. Just tell me what you know about him so I can treat him better. We can start with his age, name, do you know how long he has been lost in the jungle?"

"His name is Tumaini Howards. He is I believe about 27-28 years old. And he was born in the jungle. He has only ever met three people before today."

I did this! He is here because of me! I suddenly can't breath, my chest is heavy, and tears stream down my face. The doctor is quick to sooth me and tells me to take slow, deep breaths repeatedly. I have never had a panic attack but I believe this is what it feels like. I finally calmed myself down. When he believes I am ok he returns to his seat. 

I take a look around for the first time. I see diplomas on the wall and pictures on the desk. This must be his office. 

"Ok back to what you were saying about the young man.You said he was born in the jungle?"

"Yes, it was his parents that got lost or stranded I'm not sure which."

"And where are they?"

"Dead. I'm not sure how long ago they passed away."

"And did he tell you all of this?"

"No he can't speak...or at least I don't think he can."

"Why do you say that?"

"He never spoke to me but I swear he said something when he was shot." 

"Ok, and if he didn't speak to you, then how do you know all of what you have told me?"

"There's a journal, his mother's. It explains his birth, their names, and what life was like, how they survived."

I watch as he writes things down and I start to wonder if I am saying too much. Thankfully there is a knock on the door so I don't have to answer any more questions. 

"Come in." the doctor says.

The door opens and a young nurse lady leans in. 

"He's out of surgery and moved to recovery."

"Thank you."

I stand and I'm at the door before she has a chance to shut it. 

"Can I see him?"

"Of course, follow me. He's still asleep but you are welcome to sit with him."

I nod at her and say a quick goodbye to the doctor.

When I walk into the room my heart almost stops at the sight in front of me. He is so...still. I have never seen him so motionless. There is an IV in one arm and a heart monitor on the other hand. He has a hospital gown on and it's the first time I've seen him with anything covering his upper half. I fill my lungs with air and sigh...he's going to be ok!

I fight the urge to climb into bed with him. I move a chair to the side of his bed and sit down. Instead of crawling onto the bed with him I decide to just lay my head next to him on the bed. I place my hand on his and close my eyes. I don't even try to fight the tears. 

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