Part 14

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"Gabie, we're here."

I open my eyes to find Sam standing outside the car. I look around and I realize we are back on the base. I find myself to be nervous but excited to be back. We grab our bags out of the back. As we walk up to the door I can already feel the sweat thinking about seeping out of my pores. I look around as Sam fiddles with his keys to unlock the door. 

Because of his higher rank and I'm sure his family name Sam doesn't live in the barracks. He has a small house on base. It's a small two bedroom, one bath home, usually given to officers with family but out here we don't get those very often. The families usually stay back in the states.

As he opens the door a wave of shouting engulfs my eyes. I step inside and find some of the guys from our unit sitting around in Sam's living room. I smile at them all as one by one they come and give me a hug. 

"Wow! You could have warned me." I playfully snap at Sam. 

He just leans back against the wall and smirks. 

"And where is the fun in that?"

I punch him in the arm. 

"Here follow me, you can put your stuff in the guest room. Then we can get back to the idiots."

"Hey we heard that!" A few guys shout back at us.

I place my bags on the bed. Sam turns to go back into the living.

"Thanks Sam!" 

He spins around and smiles. 

"No problem."

I take a moment to change into clean clothes and freshen up from my trip before returning to the guys. I walk back into the living room and find a seat on the couch. You would think seven people in this small space would be suffocating but it's actually nice. It's warm and homy. 

It's not long before we are hours into video games and my stomach growls. 

"Ok guys I think it's time to take a break and eat." Sam announces.

I look up to see Sam standing in the large open doorway to the kitchen. I smile. It's crazy how well we know each other.
I get up and head into the kitchen.

"So what's for dinner?"

"Nothing special. I didn't have a lot to work with since I've been gone, just hot dogs and hamburgers. Something quick and easy for a big group."

He shrugs and I swear there is a bit of a blush. I laugh at him. 

"As long as I get some of your homemade meals while I'm staying with you!"


Everyone grabs some food and we find our seats back in the living room. It's so nice to be back. It is almost like old times...before…


I am pulled from my thoughts when I hear his name mentioned. 

"Wow I didn't think he'd leave."

My heart drops.

"What do you mean? Who left?" I ask.

They look at me. I can see it in Sam's eyes, he knew we were close before I left.

"Your jungle buddy. I was saying I guess he finally went back to wherever he came from yesterday. Or at least that's what I heard."

I just nod. I am numb. My chest is heavy. I have tuned everyone out. I don't know how long I am sitting here before I notice the guys getting up and gathering their stuff. 

"Thanks for coming over guys but it has been a long day for us and Gabi looks like she might fall asleep at any moment."

I smile and nod. I get up and hug everyone goodbye before heading to the guest room. I change into my night clothes and crawl into bed. I stare at the wall. I didn't know what to expect when I came back. I didn't know if he would still be here. I guess I was holding out hope he was still here...months later...waiting for me...when I had no plan to return. I am an idiot. Of course he went back. But YESTERDAY?! He was here for over two months and he left the day before I came back. Tears collect on my pillow as I fall asleep.

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