Chapter Nineteen

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Confusion takes hostage of my face and I stare back blankly. "I'm sorry; I'm not really sure what you mean."

Nikolai takes my hand and raises it to his lips, kissing it lightly. "Oh, Lacey, always the modest one, aren't you?"

"Your date has mentioned that you're a librarian, well, the head librarian," Ernesto explains. "I need to find-"

"You're a librarian?!" Lena shrieks, cutting her husband off and receiving a menacing glare in return.

"I am," I answer hesitatingly, not wanting to encourage her conversation anymore.

"You never mentioned that to me! I guess I spent a lot of time talking about myself, huh?" She facepalms before realizing she has transferred all her lipstick to her hand. "Oh, shit!"

"As I was saying," Ernesto emphasizes, directing his attention back to me, "I need to find some information out about a new company I am in negotiations with. It is my understand that they are not being forthcoming with their true financial statements and some of their extracurricular activities. What they do on their own time is none of my concern; however, I cannot do business with people I cannot trust. Nik knows that well, don't you Nik?"

"That I do, Ernesto."

"Is it true that you engage in research as part of your role?"

"Yes, that's true," I reply, before taking a sip of water. "I've been working with an agency to help solve cold cases."

"Normally, I would not be so forward in asking this, especially on our first date," he shoots a joking wink across the table, "but, the person I originally tasked with this job is...out of commission, so to speak, and I'm in a bit of a lurch. Would you be willing to help your new acquaintance out? I promise you will be compensated handsomely for your time."

All eyes are on me as I weigh my answer to this unexpected request. Something about all of this seems fishy, and at the same time, perhaps this is exactly what I need to get Braden off my back. I quickly glance at Lena who is silently pleading with her eyes, her hands clasped in front of her chest as she mouths the word "please". Not sure why she's so invested in this.

"Lacey?" Nikolai's voice cuts through my thoughts. "You don't have to make a decision right this moment," he reassures.

"Of course not!" Ernesto chimes in. "I understand completely if you want to take time to think about this and see how it will fit in your schedule."

"It sounds simple enough," I say with more confidence. "I'd be happy to help you out, Ernesto."

Big grins break out around the table. "Excellent! That puts my mind at ease. Thank you, Lacey."

Nikolai caresses my knee again, leaning over and whispering in my ear, "Thank you, Lacey." He gently kisses the sensitive spot under my ear before settling back in his chair and Lena lets out a not-so-subtle squeal.

"I'll be in touch after the weekend, then," Ernesto confirms.

"I await your call."


The rest of the evening is quite enjoyable. After Ernesto and Nikolai finished discussing business, they joined in our, well, let's be honest, Lena's, conversation. She and Ernesto really do make an interesting pair.

"I suppose we should let you two be on your way," Ernesto says, while gesturing for the server to bring the bill. "Gideon is waiting for you down at the club. Once seeing you," he pauses, looking at me, although he is clearly still talking to Nikolai, "I think he'll finally be ready to make a deal and come on board." Nikolai does not even notice since he is staring into his tumbler as he takes his last sip of scotch.

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