Chapter Twenty-One

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Uncomfortable silence. That is how I would describe our drive back to the hotel. My mind is still reeling from the events of the evening, though Nikolai seems utterly oblivious to the fact that I am upset at all. I can see him glancing over at me out of the corner of my eye as I look out my window.

"You okay, Lacey?" he asks, his hand gently squeezing my knee.

"I'm fine," I reply, giving the typical bullshit answer because I am not in the mood to get into it in the car. "I'm just feeling tired after a long day."

He brushes my hair aside and strokes my cheek. "Don't worry, I've got a wakeup call waiting for you," he smirks before placing his hand back on his steering wheel.

It takes everything within me not to roll my eyes.


We barely make it through the door of our hotel room before I find myself pushed up against the wall with Nikolai's hands all over me.

"I have been waiting for this all night, innocent one," he says, his voice husky and rough with desperation. His lips find my neck as he starts to suck and nibble on my skin. "It's about time we properly christen this room."

For the first time since I have met him, I have no desire to be intimate with him and I do not engage back with him.

"What's wrong, Lacey? You're not really too tired for this, are you?" Lifting my chin with his index finger, his face brightens with a seductive smile before he leans in and presses his soft lips against mine, teasing me with his tongue.

"Nikolai, stop."

He instantly stops and steps back, proving what he said last night was true. His questioning eyes search my face for an explanation to my apparent change in libido.

Gaining some courage, I continue, "we need to talk."

He sighs, clearly sexually frustrated, but looks at me expectantly. "About?"

"What the hell was that?"

"I believe I was trying to kiss you," he says, his lips curving smugly as he tries to kiss me again.

Before he can close the gap, I hold my hands up to keep him at bay. "No, not that. What happened earlier, with Gideon."

Nikolai rolls his eyes, "it was nothing. You heard him; he was joking. He didn't mean anything by it."

"Seems like a lot of people are saying things they don't mean today," I retort, remembering my conversation with Braden.

"What's that's supposed to mean?" he asks, raising his eyebrow in speculation.


"Lacey, I asked you a question."

"And I asked you one first!" I cry, pointing my finger at him.

His eyes flash with anger at my defiance. I know I should be careful, but my emotions are getting the better of me.

"Nikolai," I say a bit softer, "I need an answer." He simply stares at me blankly, his eyes devoid of emotion. Feeling my own anger rising, I stand my ground. "Is this what you do? You bring girls around for the sole purpose of pleasuring your business partners to make deals with them?"

He opens his mouth to respond, then closes it again, a slight look of disappointment on his face before he resumes his steely look. "Is that honestly what you think of me?"

I say nothing, but simply stare back at him with crossed arms, waiting for an answer.

"What reason or indication have I ever given you for you to even suggest that?"

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