Chapter Thirty-Six

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It's been a week since Nikolai left for Russia. I've taken advantage of his absence by spending much of my spare time working on the research for Ernesto. The deeper I investigate the various members of the board, the more I realize why he chose for this research to be completed outside of his usual due diligence process. Some of them have buried rap sheets filled with immoral actions, illegal transactions, violence, and sexual proclivities they would likely not want released into the world. I have no idea what he intends to do with this information, but I know I'd be better off as his friend than as his enemy.

Being Friday, I pack up to leave to meet Tiffany for lunch. I contemplate coming back here after, but choose to head home and relax instead. My head is still reeling with everything I've been learning these past two weeks and a quiet afternoon at home with some books sounds heavenly.

"Lacey, you remember I'm away next week, right?" Ian asks, sauntering over to my desk as I pack up for the day.

"Of course, I do. You've only been bringing it up every other hour for the past few days." I say, rolling my eyes in jest. "You deserve a good break, Ian."

"You'll be okay with everything here?"

"I've got it all under control."

"Perfect, then I'm about to head out." He turns to leave, then stops. "Oh, looks like you have a visitor," he says, winking.

Braden's face appears in my peripheral vision and I roll my eyes, forgetting for a moment that we're still pretending for Ian's sake. I sneak a glance at Ian, who is reading something on his phone, and hope that he didn't witness my frustration.

"Hey Lace," he sings, coming up beside me and kissing my cheek. "And hey to you too, Ian."

"Good to see you, Braden." Ian waves. "However, I'm out of here. I've got a bit of a journey ahead of me, so I'm going to hit the road before the lunch traffic fills the highway."

"Enjoy your trip." I smile, choosing to focus on his disappearing frame rather than on Braden in front of me.

"You've always been terrible at being subtle, Lace," Braden mocks.

Annoyed, I turn back around and stare him down. "Why are you here, Braden?"

Shuffling his feet, he brings his eyes to mine. "We haven't really talked since last week. You're not returning my calls."


Nervousness fading, he sighs in frustration and looks at me plainly. "And... I need to know what time I'm picking you up tomorrow."

"Picking me up? If I'm not answering your calls, what makes you think we have plans for anything?"

"My mom's party, Lace. Surely you can remember you told her you'd attend."

Shit! I completely forgot about that.

"Don't even bother answering, the look on your face says it all."

"Braden... I..." The disappointment in his face takes me back for a moment and an awful feeling rises in the pit of my stomach. Why am I feeling guilty? We're broken up. "It just slipped my mind, but I'll be there. You don't have to worry about picking me up."

"Lace, you don't even have a car. And besides, how would that look with us showing up in different cars? I know I'm not your favourite person, but I'm sure we can survive a car ride to Mississauga without killing each other."

As much as I hate to admit it, what he's saying makes sense, especially if he plans to maintain this charade in front of his family. I still think it's a stupid idea and they'll see right through it, but I remind myself I'm doing it for Miranda and not for him.

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