Chapter Thirty-One

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"Lottie!" I shriek, as Nikolai sputters and coughs beside me.

"What?" she answers cheekily. "These are important things to know, sweetie. Could save you a lifetime of pain."

I groan, rolling my eyes and shooting her my dirtiest glare. "Nik, you don't have to answer her."

"Why wouldn't I want to answer her?"

"Yeah, sweetie, why wouldn't he?"

"Because she's just being a b-"

"Respect your elders, Lacey!" Lottie interrupts sternly, pointing her finger at me and smirking as she tries to reign in some giggles.

"She's just being a BRAT!" I reiterate.

"You know, for a librarian, I expected more from your vocabulary."

Nikolai's voice causes me to turn and stare in shock. Unable to contain it anymore, Lottie bursts into hysterics.

"You too?! Really, Nik? I thought you were on my side."

"I think I'll demand a refund for all those books I bought her when she was growing up. Thanks, Nikolai. Not only gorgeous, but witty and smart too."

"I aim to please, Lottie," he croons.

"You're both insufferable," I declare, facepalming.

"Well, it's good to know all that education didn't go to waste." Lottie shoots back with sarcasm, before laughing alongside with Nikolai.

As "fun" as it is to be the brunt of their ridicule, I'm really enjoying seeing how easily they get along. Not that Lottie has ever been a hard-ass with guys I've dated, but she really did love Braden and welcomed him into our little family. When Nikolai showed up today unexpectedly, a part of me was worried about how she'd react. Now, watching their interaction, I see how unfounded my fears were. He's won her over the same way he's won me over. I don't know why I'm surprised; he's hot as sin and super charming. He'd have any woman eating out of the palm of his hand.

"So, back to my question," Lottie starts.

"Seriously? You've never questioned any of my boyfriends before."

"Boyfriends...?" Nikolai asks, raising a finger to his chin.

"Oh, Nikolai, the stories I could tell."

"And this conversation is over," I state, crossing my arms and glaring at them both.

"I haven't answered her question yet," he smirks, tracing circles on the small of my back.

This small gesture produces the same effect it did on the night we met; all my goosebumps rise to prominence on my skin, I feel a slight shiver run down my spine and heat flooding my core. Damn him! Now is not the time! He knows exactly what he's doing too, as I hear his soft, low chuckle in my ear before he leans back, pretending as if he didn't just activate all my sexual senses in front of my aunt.

"Truth be told, Lottie, I'm not entirely sure I can answer your question," he begins, causing Lottie to raise a skeptical brow. "But, I can assure you, I only have the best intentions for Lacey."

Lottie leans back in her seat, throws one leg over the other and rests her hands in her lap. "I'm listening."

"I'm sure you're aware we haven't known each other very long." Nikolai pauses while Lottie nods in affirmation. "Right now, what I can say is that my goal is to ensure Lacey is as happy she's made me."

My cheeks burn at his not-so-subtle innuendo, and I sneak a quick glance at my aunt, who's sitting there grinning like an idiot at Nikolai. Is it possible she's blushing too?

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