Chapter Eleven

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Sitting at my desk, I finally have an opportunity to process everything that just happened. Nikolai showed up here, at my place of work, as an interested investor. Then he led me through a very public sexual experience that left me weak in the knees. My head is spinning, and my core is throbbing. I have known this guy for two days and he already has me completely undone.

Feeling antsy, I walk to the staff room and finish an entire glass of water before filling it again. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror; my cheeks are still a bit flushed but otherwise, I appear fairly put together. Good Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

Reaching my desk again, I do my best to put the recent events at the back of my mind and focus on my tasks for the rest of the day. Minute by minute, time seems to pass by slowly, as I continually glance in the direction towards Ian's office, wondering how things are going in there. Wondering if he can't stop thinking of me the same way I can't stop thinking of him.

As has been the case lately, my thoughts of him are interrupted by someone. This time it's Sam, one of our newer patrons, who stops by to request my assistance in locating a few books. I lead him to one of the areas, purposely taking the long route to avoid the erotica and romance literary section, before pointing out the other areas he needs to go to.

I hear Ian's door open and see him escort Nikolai to the lobby. Ian gives me a quick smile and thumbs-up at what I can only assume is the securing of the sponsorship. Nikolai's eyes remain fixed on mine as he walks past. I can feel him taking me in as he looks me up and down, that damn sexy smirk plastered on his face again.

"Lacey, do you think this one will do?"

"I'm sorry?" I tear my gaze away from him and notice the book Sam is holding in front of me.

"This is the second edition of the book I need. I was kind of hoping for the third edition."

"Oh...umm," I look up from the book, but Nikolai and Ian are no longer in sight. "Yes, this will be just fine. Honestly, the difference between these two editions is mainly in re-formatting, adding a couple pictures for reference and a new preface. The content is nearly identical."

"Great!" Sam replies enthusiastically. "At least I found one of the books that I need."

"Let me take you to the other section. We have a ton of selections there and if, by chance, you can't find what you're looking for, just let me know and I'll search our database. Worse case scenario, I'll arrange for an inter-library loan."

"That's perfect. Thank you."

I make it back to my desk just in time to answer the phone. Clearly Emma is at the back busy cataloguing some of our new acquisitions. "Hello, Henry Jameson's Library. How may I help you?"

"Hello Lacey," Nikolai's voice sounds through the speaker, "I require some assistance in the restroom."

"Um, yeah...uh...I'll be right there," I sputter, his request completely catching me off-guard.

Upon reaching the restroom, the door opens and he quickly pulls me inside before locking it. Before I can register what is happening, I feel his hands on my face as he pushes me up against the door and starts kissing me passionately. I willingly part my lips and kiss him back, his lack of restraint in this moment in sharp contrast to his calculated seduction only an hour before. I long to feel his hands all over my body but he keeps them on my face as his tongue explores the crevasses of my mouth. I cling desperately to his arms, a feeling of euphoria rising within me as his kiss deepens and he pushes himself up against me. I lean in towards him, grinding my body up against his when he quickly pulls away. A dimple-forming smile stretches across his face as he touches his fingers to his lips.

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