Chapter Twenty-Four

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Nikolai takes my hand in his and we walk over to the truck. This all feels so surreal; walking through the park, hand in hand with him. It's hard not to get swept away in the romance of it all. For anyone watching, we look like a normal couple, enjoying all that Niagara Falls has to offer. No one would imagine the deception that hides beneath the surface of sweet words, fancy dinners, and wild sex.

"How has your morning been?" he asks, as we get in line.

"Actually, it was pretty nice. I walked Clifton and Queen Vic Park before spending time at the falls when you found me. How about yours?"

"Definitely not as fun as yours, but productive nonetheless." He places his hand on my back and nudges me a few steps closer to the order window as the line moves. His finger starts drawing circles through my shirt and leans over. "No thanks to you."

Diverting my attention from the menu board, I look at him, bewildered. "What exactly did I do?"

He smirks as we take a couple steps forward. "Images of you standing half naked in my shirt won't stop running through my mind, and they've put me in a bit of a hard position all morning."

"Such a shame," I joke, as we reach the window, teasing him further by purposely stepping away from his touch.

After ordering two beef bulgogis and some water, we find a picnic table in the park to eat our lunch. The food is delicious, and even though I'm still feeling a bit full from breakfast, I can't bring myself to stop eating it.

"So, how did you really know where I was?"

Nikolai looks up from his food, taking his time to finish chewing and swallowing before answering. "Do you really want to know the truth?"

"Well, unless we've gotten into the habit of lying to each other already," I reply sarcastically, fully aware that I am, in fact, doing this already, "then yes, the truth would be appreciated."

"Okay," he raises a brow in amusement at my attempt of sassing him, "but don't get mad." He puts another forkful of bulgogi and rice in his mouth, eyeing me as he playfully stalls. "To answer your question, Lacey, I wasn't actually looking for you. I had an hour free and knew you were sightseeing so thought I'd take my chances and see if I'd bump into you." He reaches across the table for my hand and grins; his gorgeous, dimple-forming, sexy grin. "I guess fate was on my side today."

"No need to be so smooth, Nik," I say, rolling my eyes. "You already know I'll be sleeping with you tonight."

My response catches him completely off-guard, and he nearly chokes on his food. Regaining his composure, he chuckles. "Hasn't even been a week and you're already trying to change me?" He looks down at our hands as he rubs his thumb back and forth across my hand a few times, licking his lips. "Smooth is who I am, beautiful. Take it or leave it."

"I think I'll take it," I smile back at him.

"What do you have planned for the rest of the afternoon?" he asks, but promptly continues. "Sorry to leave you on your own so much. I really am glad you decided to come out here with me. It's made this whole thing not only bearable, but enjoyable."

He winks at me and a rush of heat consumes my body as my thoughts wander back to last night and what, I anticipate, will happen tonight.



"Where'd you go?" he smirks.

Bastard knows exactly where I went! "I was just thinking about my last piece of meat," I flirt.

"You dirty girl. Who's the corrupt one now?"

"The bulgogi, Nik," sarcasm dripping from my tone as I point to my food. "Jeez, get your mind out of the gutter. Not everything revolves around sex."

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