Making A Decision

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Diggy's POV: it's been a week since then, Perry has really got to know Tamara and I'm glad too. Because he finally is starting to understand. How much she really means to me, speaking of Tamara she's been in some pain from here to there but she is healing up and I love having her around so much.

The preparations for the music video are in the process, I've got the track and song all recorded and ready to put on the album. And all the advertisment for the video has been done my fans are so excited and to be honest I can't wait for them to see it either.

But even the good has to come with the bad. My tour is getting closer and closer and so is the court case with Tamara's father ... And I have to tell u guys I'm really worried because even if everything is to go well, its gonna be a challenge to take Tamara on tour with me.

Dont get me wrong I want her by my side and with me 100% but with her still healing and how she is going to be feeling after the court case it seems really unfair to take her with me. Because everyone is soon going to catch on about us and we'll you can all imagine how hard it must be to date a celebrity.

I love Tamara and I love my fans and I know some of them are going to take things to a level where Tamara is going to start dealing with hate mail and all the other things fans do when their uphappy with their idol and I don't know if she can cope with that..

Tamara us probably the strongest girls I've ever met and I wanna do everything I can go make sure she doesn't suffer again but that also might mean having to be away from her and ...I don't wanna do that either. My head is spinning I keep trying to find a solution in my head but I can't find one...

Either way I only have a few months to find one or I dunno why will happen. Its about 3am right now and I'm sitting on the sofa deep in thought. I can't sleep because I'm so worried about Tamara and I wanna be there for her all the time but I have my career to think about. even having her sleeping next to me isn't enough.

I just had to leave the bedroom because Its not long before  she still sense me struggling and if she asks me about it I can't lie to her I dony know how she does it it's likeshe has this super power where she can tell when your upset its as if it clicks in her brain and she can tell if you lie or not either she leaves things or keeps asking.

I should really go back to bed before she releases I'm gone but I can't help but stress right now. I sat there in silence bowing my head in my hands and let out a sigh when I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder.. I looked up to see Tamara giving me a small smile before she studied my face...I told you, she just knows.

"Diggy what's wrong?, why aren't you in bed?"

Why does she do this, giving me that sweet innocent look I just can't lie to her when she gives me that look.

"I was thinking about something and I got a slight headache"

I rose to my feet and gently pulled her into my embrace. She flinched as she was surprised but she didn't move and just let me hold her there in silence.

"I'm fine now baby, come on its late let's go back to bed"

With that she held my hand as we made our way back to the bedroom and into the bed, as I held her close to my chest and her hands rested on my waist I felt peace and closed my eyes, though I wasn't completely asleep.

"I love you diggy, whatever it is that s worrying you. I'm here and you can talk to me".

I heard her say and it was breaking my heart even more. I felt her peck my lips before snuggling closer to me and we both fell asleep in each other's arms. And I've come to a decision.

No matter what I don't wanna be away from Tamara, not even for a second.

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