Your Not Going Back There!

372 22 4

Diggy: baby what's wrong?.... Tell me?

Tamara: *snuggling into Diggy's*....its...I..

My dad...

Diggy: what about your dad? *looking worried*

Tamara: ...he...I... *crying*

Diggy: oh no, baby please don't cry, I hate seeing you cry! *wiping her tears away buy also notices foundation on his hand.* baby your wearing make up, you hate make up, why are you wea...... *sees a change of colour in her face*

Tamara: I....

Diggy: *grabs a wet wipe from his badside table and wipes all the foundation off her face and his mouth drops when he sees 2 pink/purple brusies on her face*

Tamara: *cries in her hands*

Diggy: ...did he do that? ... *clenching his fists tight as Tamara nodded her head* ...when?

Tamara: ...the day you left mine, he smelt your colonge on me and then he kept calling me a slut and telling me I am never to leave the house then he hit me, and again and again, then my mom came in and stopped him before he could do anymore then my mom tried to calm me down I couldn't stop crying then I ....heard noises and waited until he had gone ....and I went downstairs and...he had beaten my mum ....she was crying and bleeding...he through pots and pans at her.... I cleaned her up before we went to my room and slept in my bed and cried all j could think about was wishing u was here and for him to never come back. I just had to get away I couldnt take it my mom hasn't done anything and he hits me when she's not home I just needed to run away. 

Diggy: your not going back home!

Tamara: but Diggy if he finds out I'm here ...

Diggy: baby? Did u hear what I just said? Your not goin back there I'm not allowing it!, I have to call Perry about some tour arrangements I'll be right back ok baby? *pecking her lips as Tamara nods her head then he leaves the room*

*10 mintues later*

Diggy: *comes back in the room and Tamara runs into his arms hugging him tight* put your shoes on baby.

Tamara: where are we going? *she said lifting her head from his chest*

Diggy: we're gonna go for a ride ok?

*holding her chin up, looking down at her*

Tamara: ok, but how am I gonna leave, my dad watches the Windows like a hawk? *worried*

Diggy: don't u worry about that Bastard, and put my tracksuit and hoodie on by the bed and there are a pair of raybands in the pocket. 

Tamara: ok *about to walk away from Diggy but he pulls her back*

Diggy: *kisses her passionately for 15 seconds and slowly pulls away* you don't have to worry anymore baby, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, get changed ok?

Tamara: *kisses him* ok babe *gives him a small smile*

Diggy: that's my girl *kisses her head and waits outside his room*

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