This Must Be True Love

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Tamara’s POV:…..oh my gosh whyy is diggy so perfect did you hear what a date he planned he is flying me all the way to italy just so I can eat my favourite meal! then he is taking me to NEW YORK!  So I can go shopping! And he’s paying for it all? I swear if the night gets any better I think I may faint! 

Even though I’ve never been in a relationship before I know what it can be like and I know the boy buys stuff or does nice stuff for his girl but this? Diggy is literally sweeping me off my feet. I cant even put the words together how I feel about him all that stuff we were talking about in the car it had felt like me and diggy had been in a relationship for 2 years and he was ready to tell me he loves me. 

Right now it doesn’t even feel like it was our first day at all. We were on the plan for about 4-5  house I now see why he wanted to start early. I’m surprised I don’t always do well on planes but then I remembered this is a jet haha me and diggy were drinking fizzy drinks, taking fun pictures using my camera and we were even play fighting not to mention we watched ne of my favourite movies of all time…. The Aventures Assemble….iron man <3_<3 idk he is hot haha. 

It wasn’t long before we got to italy! :O!! it was sooooo beautiful where I swear I just wanted to cry. We got in a blackout range rover and went site seeing like we saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Roman Empire. Me and diggy were holding hands and kissing each others cheek plus his arm was permanently locked around my waist. 

I know it may be tooo early to tell but I feel like diggy could be the one for me. I mean I know it would be hard considering his career but I’d be willing to make it work I mean…. girls like me DREAM of a guy doing this on a first date and its actually happening to me right now I mean I am literally speechless!

It wasn’t long before my stomach did start to rumble so diggy said he was taking me to the best restaurant in town!! By now it was almost 01:30pm. I told diggy that I felt under dressed to go to a restaurant but then he told me I looked beautiful which I couldn’t help but blush. And I was hungry too I hadn’t been able to eat breakfast. 

We soon got there and diggy said I could order what ever I liked which was a mistake I don’t care who I am with I will eat! He laughed when I told him and said he loves a girl with a big appetite what he said still applied. So I ordered a Large Margarita Pizza, 3 large fries, 2 Large Cokes, Garlic bread and a side of hot wings. 

Diggy looked little shocked knowing that I had eaten all that food but he just smiled. Then we got a nice seat outside. The weather wasn’t hot but it wasn’t cold it was like warm with a cool breeze. We sat there for an hour digesting our food and diggy was telling me some funny things that had happened to him last time he went on tour they made me giggle which made him grin, he must like the way I laugh haha I don’t I hate it but he finds it soo adorable god knows how. 

It wasn’t long before we were back on the jet making our way all the way back into the USA and to new york. I still cant believe this is happening it feels like a dream. We were n the jet watching a movie as diggy told me things about his life how sometimes he really did miss his family and how haters could really get him down and other things too when I remember diggy telling me I drifted off the sleep in his chest. 

When I woke up I rubbed my eyes t see it was almost 6pm and I was now in new york city. The city that never sleeps. The concrete jungle! It started to get dark too so we were surrounded by the beautiful lights of new york city. It was amazing I took soo many pictures I mean I was in the big apple who knows when I’d get the chance to come back again?

Then diggy took me shopping. I brought sooooo many things I don’t even remember picking up! We went to Addidas, JD, Primark, Chanel, Quizz, Forever 21 and sooooo many other shops I did moan that my feet started to hurt so some of the time diggy was giving me a piggy back ride. He was just the best guy in the world and this is defiantly the best date of all time I don’t think anything could beat this!

4 Letter Word.... &lt;3 Diggy Love Story!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant