Anger Taking Over!

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Diggy’s POV: I fucking hate those guys I don’t want them on my tour anymore! they all a bunch of assholes! They were bare talking loud so I could hear! fucking pricks! How are they in relationships? Ya’ll saw when I was shouting at perry? All those things I said were true! It’s why I’m under stress! It is stressful having to write a love song under pressure and I do miss my family a lot! And yh my best mate did die :’( man imma miss him he was my best mate ever……..he was shot…he died because of mistaked indentiy I swear if I ever find dat nigga who did it imma mistake his identify! >:( all dis shit were going on In my head and does pricks juss made it worse I don’ care if they all 15-16! DEY CAN ALL FUCK OFF I DON’T WANT DEM ANYWHERE NEAR ME! I was trying to calm myself down cause I was jus so pissed I told those pieces of shit bout dem selves! and stormed out slammin the door….I think I broke the door :P cause it looked slanted I was a few feet from my house when I heard roaring laughter! I fucking hate does guys…. All I had on me was my jacket and phone I put my phone on mute………I was juss walking, I dunno where I was going I juss walked, all this angry were going to make me explode! I needed to let it out! I soon realsed and reconized where I were going! Dis is the park I use to go too as a kid! It was locked! It was only a small park bout the size of a box room! I climbled over the gate and walked around feeling uneven with blurry vision for a reason! My anger was over coming me when I juss threw myself on the grass and started ripping the grass out! Juss ripping it out and throughing it anywhere I was so fucking angry…..I heard footsteps……when I slowly turned around?…………..(end of POV)

???’s POV: urgh I juss hate moving! I really miss my old friends back in London! Not that I don’t love america I do! But uno what I mean! but there is a really good reason why I like it here! DIGGY SIMMONS! THE DIGGY SIMMONS IS MY NEIGHBOUR! that’s right I have him as my neighbour I’m kinda loving it here already! DAMN! Is he sexie in real life! And his voice when he spoke to me yesterday I swear I was go faint he’s real sweet he offerened to help, when my dad came out shouting my name! how embarrassing *covers face o_O* urgh I hate my dad he is the reason I haven’t had a boyfriend he scares them all away makes me feel ugly in a way but diggy said I was beautiful that was all too it! Haha we finally moved in yesterday I like my room it’s way bigger than before :D today was a boring day mom and dad at work and I’m bored with no friends :P this morning kinda cheeried me up though diggy’s room is across from mine! He smiled and waved at me! It truly made my day! Haha I think he was going to come over but he got hold up! Then I looked out my living room window and I saw MNDLESS BEHAVIOR, LIL TWIST, JACOB LATIMORE AND JADEN SMITH! Omg wow! that’s well cool! :) and I saw really pretty girls with them one of them was my cousin! She always told me she was dating someone special but I had no idea it was………….anyway back to me haha I was getting so bored in my house even though I get everything I want! what special is it when you can’t share it with!? I’ve got Flatscreens from Xbox‘s, plat stations, wii’s, dvds, cds, apple mac, books ipods, iphone (everything apple) ive got a massive bratz dolls collecttion! I’m still a kid inside, I even have every single car I want! we have a big garage! Lool I have everything u name it! But it’s bored having stuff by yourself! It was about 15:48 when I decided to go for a walk dunno where I was going I dunno this area every well but I guess I’ll have to get use to it huh! I was walking for about 11 minutes when I saw a cute little park! It was real small and it was all locked up? Wonder why? I was walking pass it when I noticed someone in there! Ripping out the glass! They looked angry and upset! I think I saw a few tears as well! I went up to the gate climbed over and apporchaed the person I am a real caring person no matter who it is if they need help or someone to talk to I’m here (this is true) I stood behind the person when they stopped ripping the grass and slowly turned around………(end of POV)

???: “diggy?!” *standing looking down at him*

Diggy: *standing up* “Tamara!”  *trying to wipe a few of his tears*

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