Sneaking Out

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*couple weeks later*

Tamara's POV: my dad did come back 2 days after and for some stupid reason my mom just forgave him for what he did. She felt if the bruise was gone it wasn't important. She just covered it up with make up and carried on as normal -_-........

How can she just let him get away with this! And to make things worse my dad didn't even apologize to her or to me he makes me sick I no longer have a dad or a father. He has me on total lock down watching my every move and my mom wont say a word because she is too scared.

I didn't wanna stay in this house anymore all I wanted was diggy! I wanted him to hold me and tell me everything was gonna be alright. My dad has perementalty locked me away in my room but he can't keep me locked away forever. I sat by my window staring up at the sky and listening to the birds tweet. My dad was working from home down the hall to make sure I didn't let anyone in the house.

I was resting my head on the window when I got to my feet and decided this was it, I'm no longer going to let my dad push me around! I turned my stereo on loud then I went in the shower then I got changed into some jeans shorts and a blue low cut tank top with an oversized black t shirt which I tied up around my stoamch then I put on my favourite blue, white& black Jordan's. I had my hair down and I put some medium hoop earring in my ears. 

Then I sprayed my favourite perfume all over me, a few things like my ipod, spray, lipstick, lip-gloss and other things in my bag before opening my balcony doors. I really needed to get out of this house! Even though I wasn't very good with heights I looked down to see the grass before gulping and telling myself I can do this. 

I closed my balcony doors before I walked to the edge of the balcony before climbing on it and taking hold of the ivy and I tried my best not to look down as I slowly climbed down then when I wasn't far from the ground I jumped down before dusting myself off. Wow I actually did it! For once in my life I actually snuck out and concord my fear. 

I smiled proudly to myself before running around to the front of my house when I noticed my dad had made his way downstairs and was standing near the window looking out I quickly bent down not moving a muscle knowing even if I was to crawl he would catch me. I sat there on my hands and knees when I heard the phone ring ... I waited for my dad to move thinking he would answer it. 

At first he didn't budge but after the 5th ring of the phone he walked over to get it and I didn't take anymore time before running jumping over the fence into diggy's back yard knowing my dad would soon return back over the window. I guess being in the heat of the moment you don't really think about what comes next. I was s fast to jump over the fence that I never thought very well about my landing. 

I fell on my back... it really hurt I coughed hard and just laid there for a few minutes with my eyes shut waiting for the pain to fade then I got up dusting myself off I was surprised to see that I wasnt dirty then I made my way to where diggy's window was ....when I remembered this plan of mine really wasn't thought out well I didn't even know if diggy was home! 

What If I got caught by his parents or worse his manager then I'd have to go back to my dad and he'll punish me again.. My face still hurts from before not to mention the still red bruise I have. But I have come this far to just go back even though I didn't notice diggy's car out front im still going to try! I walked around his big garden when I found some little stones and picked them up.

I see this in the movies all the time, I stood well in direction of diggy's window then threw a stone at it and waited a while but nothing so I did it again there was still no answer. So this time I threw two stones at his wondering praying that he would hear it if he was there. I looked up at the window when I noticed it was cracked open slightly! But I couldn't shout because the whole house would hear and so would my dad... I managed to find one last stone hoping he really was there I used all my arm strength to throw the stone at the window.

B..but instead the stone went inside his room! Then I heard a thud .. I jumped a little ..oh no I broke something! It was clear diggy wasn't here and that he wont be very happy knowing when he got home something of his would be broken. I stood there with my head in hands. What was I going to do now. I cant stay here because I could get caught but I don't want to go home. 

I stood there while I was starting to feel tears forming when I heard a door slide open ... my heart skipped a beat knowing I was caught "...tamara?" I heard someone say when I looked up from my hands to see diggy standing by the back door holding his head. I didn't waste another second before running up to him pulling him into a hug crying. He stumbled slightly and looked a little shocked before hugging back and asking me what was wrong.

I pulled away telling him I couldn't be at home anymore ...when I noticed him rubbing his head so I asked him if he was ok and he told me he got hit in the head by a stone just now that had come through his bedroom window I bowed my head in shame blushing extremely hard before letting out a little giggle and saying sorry. He then realised what had happened and he started laughing and soon enough I did too. 

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