Suction Cup Man

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Will:Get Ready,Everyone!

Blake:For What?


Tanjiro:Suction Cup Man?


(Y/n):Hehe I know What It Is.

Will:And Here It Is.

The video starts with Mr.Togami hearing some sucking noises before he looks out the window and looks annoyed.


Shoto:Where Is That Noise Coming From?

Togami:Hey, stop climbing my tower with suction cups

Y/N is Revealed To Be climbing the Togami Company Building with suction cups and he's wearing a purple hoodie with rolled up sleeves, blue jeans, black shoes, and a blue safety helmet.

Everyone:WHAT THE HELL!?

Asia:Is That Even Safe?

Aizawa:Is That Even Legal?

(Y/n):Fuck you, I'm climbing your tower with suction cups.

Togami:Why my tower?!

(Y/n):Why not your tower?!

Natsu:Good Point.

Byakuya:Still,It's Disgusting.

Togami:You're smudging my windows, asshole!

(Y/n):I'll smudge your windows all I want, look at me go!

Issei:What The Hell Is Wrong With Him?

Shoto:Wish i Could Do That.

(Bf/n):That's My Buddy.

Mr.Togami Was Getting Very Annoyed and Wanted Him Off And Said.

Togami:Go suction cup someone else's tower!

(Y/n):That sounds very suggestive

Togami:Suck my dick, get off my tower.

Mondo:What Are You Gay?!

(Y/n):What, are you gay?!

Togami:It's an expression!Get the fuck off my tower!

Kyoko:This is Getting Ridiculous.

Nezuko:It's Kinda Funny.

Mr.Togami Is Currently Thinking That If this boy doesn't get off his  tower,he will do something about it But You Refuse.

(Y/n):No, fuck you!

Togami:Fuck you, what's your name?!

Everyone:(Y/N) (L/N)


Everyone:Suction Cup Man?

Togami:My ass! What's your name?!

(Y/n):Da da da da, suction cup man! Look at me go!

Ruby:He's Not Giving That Up,Huh?

Togami:Get off my goddamn tower, this instant!

(Y/n):I can't!

Byakuya:Why Not?

Togami:Why the hell not!

(Y/n):Can't go down, dumbass! I could only go up!


(Y/n):I gotta reach the top and go back down!

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