Soul Synchro

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Will:Yo,Get Ready For Awesomeness As Our Dear (H/c) Haired Friend Is Merging With You!

Vegeta:I'll believe When I see it.

Ruby:It sounds Awesome,Though!

You And Your Class Were Having a Field Trip to go To Sycro Tech,A Business that Your Dad Works At and get To see their Latest Project,Which is the Ability to Synchronize A human's Very being With the Energy Of a Fictional Characters and your Class Gets to see it happen.   



Jiro:You're not in the same Class?

(Bf/n):Yes and No because him and I have Different Classes And usually Homeroom Classes gets to take Field Trips And that means he's got a Field Trip for Homeroom.

(F/n):And I actually Never Heard of A place Called Synchro Tech.

You And Your Classmates Arrive at the Science Lab to see your Dad and The Test Subject Ready As the test starts.

(F/n):Alright,Begin the synchronization!

Izuku:This Might be Interesting.

Your Dad Turns on an odd Energy Wave that Created a shield thing around him.

(Think of the dimensional Area From MegaMan Axess)

Subject:Alright,Let's Do It!Soul Synchro,Activate!

The test subject had decided to Synchro With a Robot to test out the energy and Robot Armor but it Only Worked Half way until his Body Began to Affect him and He Screams As your dad Called it off.


(Y/n):That Looked Dangerous!

Iida:It's Clearly Not A Device that could Actually Hurt Someone.

The subject is Removed From The Experiment As He Is Returned to Normal And Your Father Along with His Team Enter to see what was wrong.

(F/n):Are you alright?

Subject:I'm fine but I guess the Soul Synchro Isn't Ready because We even tried it using Human Characters.

Akko:That Bad?


(Y/n):Maybe I Could give it a try?

(F/n) Looked at his with an Upset Look as he Spoke.


Suddenly,an Explosion Occured As An Energy Beam Shot In the Sky and Suddenly,Rwby Came On?

(Y/n):Wait....That's It?

By the looks Of It,it was Volume 2 But Was Interesting Was that Team Rwby Were Fighting What Looked Like Someone Or Something Wearing An Outfit Made Of GRIMM!!!

The Four Huntresses In Training each Attacked From a Direction But it Did little To it as It Laughed And Spoke.

??:You Four Are Weak as hell,Let me Show you how it's Done!


He Lifts his Arms As the Girls Got Slashed And Sent Back As they Were beaten Badly But wouldn't Give up.

Blake:How Strong Is that thing?!

??:Ya know Just to be nice,Im Gonna Let You live And Tell Who I Am As I Am Roman Torchwick!

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