Inside Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *4*

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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! lol This chapter might be a happy chapter...until the end. Anywho, COMMENT (makes me happy;) and VOTE, 7 votes for the nxt chappie! An Fan ;D xo hope u like


+ Justin +

I leaned up against the side of my porch and dialed Usher's number. Three rings later, he picked up.

"I'm already on my way, JB." He answered. Caller I.D.

"Hey to you to, Big Bro. Just called to ask if it's ok if Lizzy tags along." I drummed my fingers on the porch railing.

"Lizzy? Is she the suicidal chick?" Usher chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, my voice unamused. "Lizzy's been going through a tough time. I think someone's been abusing her."

Usher's voice became serious. "That's very serious, JB. Don't you think you should consult the police?"

I shook my head but then realized Usher couldn't see me. "No, Lizzy won't tell me who's doing that to her. I think I should give her time, let her open up to me." I reasoned.

"Thats a good point and idea, JB. I'm just around the corner, see ya in a few." He hung up on me before I could even say bye. Not that it mattered, I'd be seeing him in second anyways.

"Justin, Does this look fine on me?" Lizzy stepped out into the porch, akwardly pulling at my t-shirt which was big on her. I noticed she had a pair of my mom's white leggings on. When she looked up, i noticed her scar was barely visible anymore. It was just a small shadow and her eyes were framed with dark eyeliner. Her bruise was covered up as well. I frowned. Makeup.

"You look fine," I told her. "Better if you had ditched the makeup."

Lizzy let out a frustrated sigh. "If I ditched the makeup, someone could recognize me. I already explained this to you."

I searched her blue eyes for...what? I don't know. I ended up getting lost in them. I felt like I was slowly drowning in a plain, blue ocean. Like I was falling into the sky if it were possible. Like I was floating on crystal, clear pool...

"Justin?" Lizzy snapped her fingers up in front of my face. I blinked a few times and then grinned innocently.


She frowned. "You left for a second there. By the way, there's a super cool red Ferrari pulling into your driveway." Lizzy looked past me in awe. Usher was here, no doubt. I heard his car door open and I turned around.

"Yo, JB! C'mon, we don't have time to waste!" Usher yelled, already ducking back into his Ferrari. I smirked and motioned Lizzy over to the car with me. I opened the passanger seat's door for her, but she'd already slid into the backseat. I glared over at her, playfully. She simply shrugged.

"Sorry, not used to people opening doors for me." She said. "Or riding in the front."

I chuckled and decided to slide into the back along with her. She had a lot of getting used to. If only she'd tell me who was hurting her...

"Hy Lizzy, I'm Usher." Usher turned around, grinning. "But you know that."

Lizzy furrowed up her eyebrows. "You sound familiar, but I don't have a clue."

Usher gaped. "Where have you been living under?"

I smirked. "I just asked her that not long ago."

"Well, nice to meet you Lizzy." Usher looked at her closely. "You wearin' makeup? Last time I saw you, you had a deep gash across your cheek."

Lizzy blushed. "Um, yeah. It still there."

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