Inside Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *5*

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Cute, sweet chapter that prepares you for what comes

next. What do you guys think of Lizzy's feelings for Justin and his feelings for her? COMMEENNYY VOTTEE FANN!!! It's a short chappie but worth it xo LUV YALL


= Lizzy =

"Dont worry about us, Usher."

Ushe frowned. "But, JB, I can't just leave y'all here after that phone call message."

"We'll be fine. She's safe with me." Justin assured him. I was sitting on the couch with Justin, his arm draped around me protectively.

"A'ite, Man. I trust you. Don't do anything stupid and make sure no one recognizes Lizzy. I'll be at Scooter's." Usher pounded Justin on his back. "Take care. Bye Lizzy. It was nice meeting you." He winked exited the studio. I let out a nervous sigh; my eye's felt swollen from crying.

"You ok?" Justin asked, his eyes meeting mine. I gave a small nob. I didn't want my dad to find me. For once in my life, I feared him. All I wanted was to get rid of this nightmare once and for all and to stay with Justin. Cause when I was Justin everything felt like heaven. Not that i was going to tell him. I barely even knew If he had a girlfriend.

"Should we go?" Justin said. "Back to my place, I mean. Anywhere else is risky."

I nodded again, keeping silent. I was terrified, not scared really, but terrified.

"Hold on." Justin, disappeared for a second but was back before I could blink. He was holding some hat. "Here." I placed over my head. "Should help keep your guard down."

I stared at him in wonder. "Thanks."

He smiled. "Let's go. Usher called my driver. He should be up front in the limo by now."

Limo? He had a limo? Justin surprised me by curling his fingers around mine and helping me up, leading me out of the doors. My hand in his... That meant nothing right? I rolled my eyes inside my head. It meant nothing. It was just friendly, no more. Justin was right. There was a frickin' long, black and shiny limo parked up front. The door opened automaticlly and Justin quickly pulled me inside, the door sliding shut behind us. Niiiice.

"You know where, Ben." Justin yelled, probably at the driver. I felt the limo start and we were off.

"Justin?" I said. "Didnt you tell me you had some performance at some radio station today?" I remembered.

"Cancelled it." He shrugged. "They only thing important right now is your safety."

I blushed. "Oh." I felt utterly stupid.

"Is he doing this?" Justin asked suddenly, turning his body towards me.

"What are you talking about?" I shifted uncomfortably.

"Your father." Justin frowned. "It's him, isn't it?"

I looked down, fiddling with my fingers. "Yes." I muttered.

Justin sighed and I felt his hand slowly raise my chin up to face him. "You should tell the police."

My eyes were welling up again. "I can't. I'll end up in an orphanage or something and I don't want that. I'll be stuck there until I'm 18."

"I'll help you." Justin told me.

"No. You can't do anything. You're not 18 either." I pointed out, a tear slipping down my face. Justin wiped it away with his thumb, sending shivers up and down my spine.

"I'll find a way." He whispered. I felt his fingers grazing against my scar. Goosebumps blossomed wherever his skin touched mine.

"You're too beautiful to suffer." He said. I flushed. No one's ever called me beautiful. I chewed on my bottom lip. What is this guy doing to me? I've barely known him for two days.

"Where's your mom?" Justin asked me, just a whisper. Tears began to silently slip and slide down my face. Justin instantly knew the answer. He rested his forehead against mine, watching my tears for a while, then he pulled me into him, letting his lips press against my cheek gently. I smiled through my tears and wrapped my arms around him as well.

I surprised myself by saying: "You're amazing, Justin." I felt him smile, his cheek pressed against mine as we held onto each other. I no longer knew what this all meant. I've never had a friend, a guy friend, a boyfriend, and not even a girlfriend. To finally have one felt amazing. Was this what is was like to have a friend? Or was thing something more? I don't know. All I knew is that he was risking his life by simply letting me stay at his home. I don't think he knew that though. Why did I suddenly feel like his life was more important than mine? I shook away the though, enjoying the moment we were in and inhaling his sweet, boyish scent.

+ Justin +

I watched as Lizzy became comfortable beneath my covers. We'd spent the past few hours talking, laughing, watching TV. Anything to distract her from everything she was going through. Now it was time for bed again, but I just didn't want the day to end. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

"Goodnight, Justin." Lizzy smiled as if expecting me to turn off the lights and leave. I did turn off the lights and I did shut he door...but I stayed inside. It was my room after all.

"I know you're there, Justin." She giggled. I chuckled and walked around the bed, floppin down beside her.

"Im not really tired." I shrugged into the darkness.

"Me either." She admitted. I couldn't see her face in the dark but i could make out her silhouette beneath the covers. I carefully slid into the covers as well.

"Why does your father do this too you?" I asked Lizzy. I wondered why. Why would he do such a thing to such a beautiful girl? It was horrible and inhumane.

"Because I don't go to school or because I don't wash the dishes. Sometimes because he's drunk." Lizzy told me in a whisper.

In inched closer to her. "That's not right. He's mental. What about school? Your friends?"

Lizzy was silent for a second. "I...don't have any. School's pretty much the same hell as home."

I felt sorry for Lizzy. I cared about her. Her life was terrible and..and I wanted to make it better.

"Have you...ever had a boyfriend?" I asked her, the darkness disguising my smile.

Lizzy seemed surprised by my question. "Um, no."

"That's means you've never kissed a guy?" I reasoned as I inched even closer to her. I felt her shift uncomfortably.

"No." She said. I felt for her face, letting my hand slowly caress her cheek.

"Oh. You've really never done...this?" Lizzy tensed as my nose grazed against hers. I couldn't see her lips but I knew exactly where they were. My hand fell behind her neck and I pulled her face to mine. lips gently touched hers. I kissed her softly, afraid that I could break her. Lizzy didn't know how to react, but eventually she kissed me back. I pulled her closer to me, crushing her lips a littler harder with mine. I enjoyed the moment, the way her lips tasted like the orange juice she'd drank eariler. I've never met a girl and kisses her on the same day. But Lizzy was different. She took my breath away with just her smile and her eyes and the sound of her voicr. I wasn't kissing her because I felt sorry for her. I was kissing her because it was all I wanted to do.

Lizzy suddenly pulled away, breathing hard. She didn't say anything. She simply rested her head down on my shoulder. I smiled, my hand finding hers and taking it into mine.

"Goodnight." I whispered. She didn't respond. Then I knew why. Her breathing had slowed. She'd fallen asleep within seconds. I could still feel the feeling of her lips on mine. I forgot about the fact that my mother would kill me if she caught us two in the safe bed. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep as well.

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