Inside Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *8*

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This chapter skips ahead around the middle, mostly because i had no idea of what could happen inbetween and i already had the other part planned ;D Sad, then happy, then SURPRISE ;O lol COMMMMEENNNTTTT VOOOTEE FANN! Wuf yall! Oh and today is....JUSTINS BIRTHDAY!! Yippy! Happy Birthday Justin Drew Bieber! xD


= Lizzy =

I glaced at my passed out father. He was hidden under my covers. All I could do was slip out, pull on my clothes as quickly as possible and slowly exit my own room. I was shaking as tip-toed downstairs. Tears were streaming down my face and I just wanted to die. I probably looked a mess as I stepped out into the cold Atlanta air. There was a familiar red ferrari parked up in my driveway. I gasped. It belonged to Usher. Suddenly the passenger door burst open and a very worried looking Justi stepped out, running towards me. He almost knocked me over as his arms wrapped themselves around me, squeezing me to death.

"Justin." I cried, squeezing him back.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you? Lizzy, speak to me!" Justin's voice was full of concern. He cared about me. He really did.

"Take me away." I whimpered. "Lets get out of here. Justin, please."

He nodded, scooping me up into his arms and carrying me into the car. He slipped into the backseat this time and I curled myself into him.

"Drive." Justin demanded towards who I guessed was Usher. "To the police station."

"Got it, JB." Came Usher's voice. I cried silently, holding onto Justin. I'm glad he was here. I needed him now more than ever.

+ Justin +

I held on tightly to Lizzy. She was shaking, crying, and she felt cold. I didn't ask her what had happened. All I could think of doing was to take this to the police once and for all. I felt Usher park the car.

"We're here, JB. Want me to go with you?"

I felt Lizzy shaking her head. "No. No, Usher. Only Justin. Please?"

I stroked Lizzy's hair. "I think you should stay, Bro. I've got this." I pushed the door open and slipped out, Lizzy still in my arms. I quickly walked into the police station where I was greater by some sheriff.

"What's the emergency?" He said, standing up. I placed Lizzy on her feet but she didn't let go me. She was still shaking.

"This girl's father's abusing her. Is there someone we can talk to? Her father has to be placed in jail as soon as possible." I stated. The sheriff looked between me and Lizzy and then nodded.

"You can talk to me. Tell me what he's done, been doing, where he is, his name, and description."

I took a seat on a chair which sat in front of the sheriff's desk and pulled Lizzy onto my lap. "Lizzy, I think you tell him."

She took a deep breath and shook her head. "I can't." She sniffled. I carressed her cheek, talking to her in a soothing voice.

"Liz, it's for the best. Please. For me?" She looked into my eyes and after a second, nodded slowly. She turned back towards the sheriff.

"He hits me." She said, tears running down her face. "He has this-this razor and he cuts me! He yells at me and...and I hate him!" I wiped away one of her tears with my thumb. The sheriff was scribbling things down.

"Is that all?" He asked.

Lizzy hesitated and then nodded. "'s all." The sheriff nodded.

"Name and address please."

"Jermaine Keegan..."

:::: 4 Week Later ::::

"C'mon, share some!" I pouted, reaching for the Doritos bag which Lizzy was protectively clutching.

She giggled. "Nope."

I laughed as I pryed the bag from her. She tried to get It bag but I chucked it aside and pulled Lizzy to me instead. She smiled as my lips brushed against her neck. Things have been normal ever since her father was arrested. The trial went ok. He was sentenced for ten years in jail. I was hoping he'd be sentenced for more years but apparently his crimes weren't "lifetime worthy." I was just happy that Lizzy was safe and with me. Everything was going great. I was fully convinced I loved her. That was what my heart was telling me anyways. My lips inched onto hers. Suddenly, Lizzy slipped from my grip and disappeared down the hall before I could blink. I frowned. What was she doing?

"Lizzy?" I traced her steps. "Lizzy, is this some game?" I furrowed my eyebrows. She was in the bathroom but the door was slightly open, indicating she wasn't using it. I pulled it fully open to see Lizzy sitting on the floor, clutching her stomach. I ran over to her, worried.

"Lizzy? What's wrong?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. I'm fine. I think those Doritos just didn't agree with me. I threw up. That's all." I could tell she was lying. There was something more.

"I think I should take you to the hospital, just to make sure you're ok." I told her. She let out a sigh and nodded, giving in.

"K." I helped her to her feet and led her out. I'd gotten my license last week so I could take my mother's car.

"Mom!" I yelled. "I'm taking Lizzy to the hospital, she's sick!" I didn't know where my mother was but finally her voice came from upstairs.

"Ok!" She yelled back. "Be careful. Hope everything's ok! I'm sure it's nothing."

Lizzy giggled as I took the keys off the counter and stepped out.

"I don't see what's so funny." I frowned, opening the passenger door for Lizzy. She shrugged and slipped in. I made my way around, sliding into the driver's seat.

"Maybe it was the Doritos." I mumbled as I started the engine.

- - - - -

I paced back and forth, waiting for the doctor to come in and tell us what was wrong with Lizzy. Lizzy was calmly sitting up on the hospital's bed, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Justin, calm down." She said. I walked over to her, placing my hands on her small waist.

"How am I going to calm down? We're in a hospital!" I couldn't help but smile as Lizzy laughed lightly. She pressed her lips to mine and just as quickly pulled them away. I calmed down a bit.

"You're right." I sighed. She simply smiled. Suddenly the doctor walked into the room, a puzzled look on his face.

"Um, us everything alright?" I asked, feeling worried again.

"Well she's not sick or anything." The doctor said. I sighed. Thank god. I'm glad she's ok.

"Then why'd she throw up?"

The doctor looked at Lizzy. "Lizzy, how late's your period?"

Her eyes got wide. "How'd you know?"

I looked between them. What the hell was going on? Lizzy seemed as confused as was as well. The doctor looked at me and then back at Lizzy.

"Lizzy," He tried to smile but it was obviously fake. "You're pregnant."

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