Inside Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *10*

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Er, is this chappie short? Swry! Thought it was slightly longer. Anywho, COMMENT VOTE FAN!! xo


= Lizzy =

I chewed on my lips and fiddled with my fingers as Justin finished explaining everything to his mother. Pattie's become like a mom to me but I'm feeling sligtly uncomfortable.

"..He...what?" Pattie breathed. She looked between me and Justin. "Oh Lizzy, why didn't you tell us! This is horrible!"

I looked down and shrugged. I felt Justin's fingers graving against mine, finally interwining with mine.

"But I don't think she should get an abortion." Justin continued. "I think...we should keep the baby. Us. Me and Lizzy. Forget all know." Justin pulled his hand up to my chin and turned my face towards his. "I think we can pull this off. Being parents, I mean."

I smiled slightly. Pattie gaped at us but thrn slowly smiled. "I know I shouldn't agree," she said. "But I always thought it was a horrible thing on a mother's part to have an abortion. I support you guys completely." She grinned. "You guys are only teenagers, but I'm here...and I don't think this should be released to th press."

Justin nodded, agreeing. "Thanks, Ma. I love you."

"Thank you, Pattie." I smiled. Justin's hand slowly slid up my shirt and to my stomach, caressing it gently. I felt myself blush. This could work out. This baby's Justin, not my fathers. He can rot in jail for all I care.

+ Justin +

Ushern was staring at my, utterly frozen. I smiled innocently, not knowing what else to do. I'd left Lizzy with my mother and gone over to Usher's. He's my mentor and I think he deserves to know what goes on in my life.

"Justin," Usher finally spoke. "This is...crazy. Your famous and your a teenager! This is over the top. Lizzy should get an abortion. If the press gets ahold of this..." He shook his head. "Oh gosh, I can't believe Lizzy's father did that..."

"Usher," I tried to calm him down. "Its fine. The press will find out eventually; they always do. But that's not important. Lizzy won't get an abortion because I won't let her and the baby's mine now, not that bastards."

Usher ran a hand through his hair (which he doesn't have much of) and sighed. "You've lost it, JB."

"Maybe I did." I grinned. "Maybe I did."


I traced Lizzy's lips with my thumb, smiling down at her. "So my mom's supporting us. Usher's still kinda unsure but he'll be on our side soon." I told her.

She smiled back up at me. "That's good."

I sat down on my bed, pulling Lizzy onto my lap. "Want to go out somewhere? It's pretty boring being home."

She chewed on her lip. "Er, what about the paparazzi?"

"They're not important." I told her. "How about we go to grab some pizza-" My phone began to ring, interrupting my sentence. I frowed as I pulled it out of my pocket. It was the Police Station. Why were they calling me?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Justin Bieber?" A deep man's voice asked.

"Uh, yeah."

Lizzy looked at me questionly and I just shrugged.

"We need you and Lizzy to come down to the station as fast as possible. We've gathered some information that Lizzy might be interested in."

I was suddenly worried. "We'll be right there." I hung up and turned to Lizzy. "We have to go down to the police station. Now."

= Lizzy =

I shifted akwardly, a very tough-looking officier staring back at me. Justin's fingers squeezed mine nervously. What had they found out? What's going on? So many questions were running through my head right now.

The officier finally spoke. "There's some evidence that Jermaine Keegan wasn't Lisa's frist husband."

I frowned at the mention of my mother's name. "What do you mean?"

The officier threw me a look which I could barely define. "Jermaine Keegan possibly isn't your biological father."

I jaw hit the floor and my bottom lip trembled. "W-what?" I didn't know if I should be happy or sad. But overall, I was extremely angry. My face was boiling. How could my mother never tell me this? I've always had a doubt. But my mother died without any explanation. The puzzle pieces are just coming apart instead of being placed together.


Note: What do you guys think? lol COMMENT!

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