Inside Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *24*

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• Justin •

I hold onto Lizzy's hand. She's trying not to scream but she's not succeeding. I look into her eyes, not breaking the stare.

"Don't think about the pain," I tell her. "Think about...think about me."

She tries to smile through the pain. "I love you." She mouths.

"I love you too." I mouth back.

She squeezes her eyes shut, not screaming anymore but the look on her face told me she was screaming internally.

When Lizzy finally heaves a sigh of relief, I instantly know the baby's out. I can hear him screaming.

I smile like a proud parent at the thought. I was a dad to a beautiful baby-

"It's a girl!" The doctor shouts.

I look at Lizzy. We both have a puzzled look on our faces.

"A girl?" We say simutaneously.

But we smile anyways, through the laughter, though the tears. A girl. Our baby girl.

The doctor brings over the baby girl, gently placing her in Lizzy's arms. She's calm now, her small eyes closed and her breathing soft and gentle.

I wrap an arm around Lizzy, looking down at our daughter.

"She's beautiful." I murmur.

"Lisa." Lizzy smiles.

"Lisa?" I look at Lizzy.

Lizzy nods. "Lisa. We should name her Lisa."

I nod in agreement, giving Lizzy's shoulder a squeeze. "Little Lisa."

Lizzy motions for me take her. "Hold her. She's your daughter." Lizzy grins.

I take Little Lisa in my arms, gently kissing my daughter's small forehead.

She had Lizzy's nose and face structure. But her hair seemed seemed dirty mine.

Lisa's eyes slowly opened, meeting mine. I smile and hold her closely.

She had my eyes too.

~ 7 Days Later ~

I'm back where I was 5 days ago: standing by the priest and staring out into the crowd. Lizzy and I decided to prospone the wedding since Lisa had pretty much crashed it. I wasn't sad or anything though. In fact, Lisa had come at the perfect time (and given me the scare of the lifetime, I'll tell ya.)

I look over at my mother who's happily sitting at the front, Lisa craddled in her arms. I smile, my heart hammering wildly in my chest.

As the wedding march starts, my eyes slowly make their way to the beautiful bride walking down the aisle arm-in-arm with her father.

Our eyes meet and we both smile as she steps up beside me. Her father winks and gives an approving look before going to take a seat between Ellie and my mom.

We turn to the priest as he starts his speech. I look nervously over at Lizzy. She giggles and leans over just a bit.

"Dont worry," She whispers. "Lisa can't crash the wedding this time."

I grin. "Yeah." I pause. "But don't you think something's missing?"

"Do you, Justin Drew Bieber," The priest begins.

I motion for him to pause. "Hold on." I say. Lizzy gives me a curious look as I jump down and walk over to my mother.

She smiles, already knowing what I wanted. She gently hands Lisa over to me I craddle her in my chest, looking down at her with I smile. I go back and take my position aside Lizzy, Lisa in my arms.

Lizzy grins and we turn back towards the priest.

"Do you, Justin Drew Bieber," he starts again, this time able to finish.

Once he's done, I look down at Lisa and then back at Lizzy. "I do."

The priest turns to Lizzy. "Do you, Lizzy Johnson, take Justin Drew Bieber as your wedded husband, to live together in marriage. Do you promise to love, comfort, honor, and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. And besaking all others, be faithful only to her as long as you both shall live?"

Lizzy nods, smiling in my direction. "I do."

The crowd bursts into cheers and nothing's ever felt more perfect.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest tells me.

I take a step toward Lizzy but bring my lips down to meet Lisa's cheek. The crowd laughs and I look back up at Lizzy, smiling innocently.

She laughs and crosses her arms. "I thought I was the bride?"

"You are." I grin and lean over, my lips crushing Lizzy's. Lisa's still in my arms. I can feel her gently heartbeat and breathing.

My lips linger on Lizzy's and then pull away, softly handing Lisa over to her mother.

Lizzy smiles proudly, caressing her daughter's cheek.

I drape an arm around Lizzy as we both look down at our daughter.

"She's beautiful." I whisper.

"She has the best father in the world." Lizzy says, her eyes sparkling as she looks into mine.

"And the best mother." I say, looking lovingly at Lizzy. "She's going to grow up to be just as beautiful as you."

Lizzy smiles. "I love you, Justin."

I bring my lips down and press them against Lizzy's cheek. "I love you more, Lizzy Johnson." I grin. "My wife."

Lizzy giggles and turns her face, her lips landing on mine once more.

She was mine. And she'll be mine.



Author's Note: THE ENDDDDD!!!!! NO, there will not be a sequel. I considered it but I wasnt feeling inspired enough. SORRY :( Thank you for reading. Glad you all liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it xx

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