Inside Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *7*

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Hollaa ;) nxtt chappiii xo Had a hard time describing Lizzys feelings in her Pov so yah... Depressing chapter :-/ COMMMMEENNNT N VOOTTE N FAANN! luvv 


= Lizzy =

"Lizzy Keegan, you open that door or I'll be forced to tear down!" My father yelled. I sunk into the corner of my closet, crying onto my knees. I'd managed to lock myself up in my room, unharmed. And the closet seemed like more protectio in case he did break down the door. I felt a salty tear slip in between my lips. I licked it away. Justin. He was all I could think of. It's been five days. When was he going to come in, riding on a white stallion to save me? I smirked. This is reality, not a fairytale. What if my dad had hurt Justin when he went to take me back? What if that's why I haven't heard from Justin? I dug my fingers into my hair, gripping hair and skull. I hated my life. I heard my father let out a large huff.

"Lizzy!" He roared. "I'm going out but when I come back, I promise you I'll break down that door!" I heard his footsteps echo loudly throughout the house and then the slamming of a door. Even if he wasn't home, I didn't dare leave the safety of my closet. I already knew what awaited me.

+ Justin +

//Flashback::Five Days Ago///

I awoke with a very painful headache. I was lying in my bed, a very worried mom and Usher hanging over me.

"Oh jesus, baby!" My mother cried, huggin me. "I was so worried!"

"Are you ok, JB?" Usher asked, concern clear on his face.

I shook my head, images from eariler flashing before me. I sat up straight, ignoring my headache. "Where's Lizzy?" I demanded, glancing around the room even though I knew very well where she was. My mother and Usher exchanged looks and then shrugged. I tried to jump out of the bed but my mother held me down.

"Don't. Your head was bleeding but Usher said it was nothing serious. I think you should stay in bed, just in case." My mother told me.

I frowned. "Since when is Usher educated in being a doctor?"

Usher chuckled. "I'm not, but I know."

I shook my head, the pain increasing. "Lizzy. He took her. Her father took her and he could hurt her. I have to find her!" I tried to get up again but I was held down again.

"Justin, we don't think you should get involved in this. Due to your lifestyle and the media, this could cause a lot of problems. I think those problems should be left to be delt with between Lizzy and father." My mother said.

"Your mother's right." Usher agreed.

I felt something run down my face. A tear. I caught it with the tip of my fingers. "She's not safe there. He abused her. How can you be so calm? He did this to me!" I yelled, pointing at my head even though it probably looked fine to them. It hurt like hell.

Mom sighed. "Lizzy's a brave girl. She'll escape and find her way back to us. If she does, we'll report it to the police. Right now, all we have to do is wait."

"JB, you should listen to us. It's dangerous as you already know." Usher stated. I turned away, hiding the tears that were spilling out of my eyes.

"Fine. I'll wait. But I'm not waiting forever."

//End of Flashback//

I glanced out of my bedroom window, rain staining the glass. Puddles formed on the grass below and thunder roared here and there. I pulled the curtains closed and took a seat on my desk's rolling chair, spinning around in slow circles. Lizzy hadn't returned. She hadn't escaped and I haven't heard anything of her. It was so hard to remain calm when I knew her father could be hurting her this very moment. I stopped spinning and plucked a pen off my desk, dragging a piece of paper towards me as well. Writing a song might get my mind off Lizzy. At least for a little while.

= Lizzy =

I slipped out of the closet, glancing at the battered clock on my old nightstand. 2:23 am. It was the middle of the night and my father wasn't home yet. He was probably out drinking and crap. I hoped he'd be gone for the night. I began to pull back the covers and crawl into my bed when I heard a door close and then footsteps down the hall. So much for that. I squeezed my eyes shut, breathing hard. I was secretly terrified of what could happen. My fears were answered when I heard something loud and hard pounding against my door. The was a crack...and then another. I cried silently, pulling the covers over me. Justin, I love you. I thought. Then I heard the sound of my door hitting the floor.

"Well...well...well." My father's voice came. He sounded different. My heart speed increased.

"Lizzy. Darling, beautiful, Lizzy." He let out a cackle and I could see his silhouette standing over me in the darkness.

" me...crazy." He slurred. He was drunk. I felt the covers being torn off me. I shivered, the tears on my face now dry. I couldn't cry anymore.

"I want you...all..." His voice faded and I could suddenly feel his fingers toying with my hair. I gulped. Drunk? He was on drugs for all I knew. All he's ever done was beat and hurt me. But tonight, there was something different. And that scared me.

"You're mine." He snarled. I let out a gasp as felt him roll me over and fall on top of me. I wanted to scream, to run. What did he think he was doing?! Suddenly his chap, rough lips were all over my neck and jawline and his hands were massaging my stomach, making their way up.

"You'll enjoy this, Lizzy." He moaned. "As I will too."

I shuddered, closing my eyes. Afraid that if I tried to do anything that he could hurt me. Or worse. I felt sick. My own father was... I shuddered again, unable to finish the thought. I was disgusted. I felt tears escaping again.

"Daddy, no." I pleaded as he began to unclasp my bra. He ignored my pleas and kept going. I wanted to scream for help. I never planned on loosing my innocence to my own father. No, I wanted to be with someone I'd love and marry. My rotten dad was taken that away from me. I wanted to cry and even die. I actually wish Justin would have hit me with his car anyways. Why did he have to stop? Why?! I'd never be able to do anything without thinking of this horrible night. Because this night will haunt me forever.

+ Justin +

"What is that you wanted, JB?" Usher asked, stepping into my bedroom and closing the door behind him. I let out a sigh and picked up my guitar.

"I wrote something and I want your opinion." I told him. He took a seat on my bed.

"Ok, let's hear it."

I nodded and began to strum.

" There's gonna be one less lonely girl. One less lonely girl, one less lonely girl. How many I told ya's and start overs and shoulders have you cried on before? How many promises? Be honest girl. How many tears you let hit the floor? How many bags you packed just to take 'em back, tell me that, how many either or. But no more. If you let me inside of your world there's gonna be one less lonely girl. Oh saw so many pretty faces before I saw you. Now all I see is you. I'm comin for you..." I kept singin as Usher bobbed his head to the music. Finally, I finished, giving guitar one last strum. Usher smiled, clapped, and nodded his approval. I felt like I'd just climbed to the top of Mt. Everest. Proud.

"That's a hit, JB. We've got to take it to the studio." He grinned.

I grinned back. "Great." Then I remembered why I'd written the song in the first place. I frowned. "I want Lizzy back. She's not safe, Usher. I can't live like this."

Usher sighed. "JB, you must be patient."

I shook my head. "I can't. Not anymore. I'm going to get." I stood up, my eyes glued to the door. Usher stood up as well.

"That man could hurt you." Usher said, concerned.

I shrugged. "I don't care. I just want Lizzy safe." I began to head to the door. I stopped, turning to Usher. "Can you at least drive me?"

Usher stared at me for a second as if thinking it over. He finally exhaled. "Ok, JB. Your mother is going to kill me."

I chuckled and lead the way out the door and downstairs. Lizzy, I'm coming for you, I thought.

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