Inside Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *19*

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+ Justin +

"Yes, Dad." I hear a voice say faintly. "See ya."

I sit up, groggily rubbing at my eyes while yawning. "Goodmorning." I mutter, my eyes clearing to see Lizzy sitting on the bed in front of me.

"Morning." She smiles and sits up straighter, probably waiting for me to go and wrap my arms around her and kiss her passionatly. I don't. I stay glued to spot on the bed.

She slumps down. "Did you sleep well?"

I don't answer her question. "Who were you on the phone with?"

She looks away from me. "My dad."

I clench my fists. "He called you?"

"No..." She shifts. "Actually, I called him."

"About what?" I ask her.

"Justin..." She says but her voice fades. She looks away.

I stand up and kick my nightstand, the noise echoing throughout the house. "I knew it. I f***ing knew it!!" I kick the stand again. Lizzy winces. "It'll always be him, huh? I mean nothing to you! You don't care that I was with you through everything. He's obviously more important." I grit my teeth. "He may have given you life but I gave you a reason to live in the first place." I spat.

A tear slips down Lizzy's face. "Justin, please-"

"Save your breath." I snap and stomp out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I should have known. She's leaving me. She's leaving me after everything we went through.

"She's f***ing leaving me." I say to no one in particular and crumple to the floor, my face buried in my hands.

I should have known.

= Lizzy =

I throw my clothes into a suitcase, tears occationally betraying me. I didn't want to leave Justin. In fact, I never thought I would. But it's my dad we're talking about here. I just found him. I wasnt ready to let him slip through my fingers. He was my blood. My family. The guy who helped bring me to life.

But Justin was right. Justin was the one who gave meaning to my life. But then my dad came along and gave even more meaning to my life. I wasn't ready to let him go. Not now. Not ever.

I zipped up the suitcase and pulled it down the hall and downstairs. I spotted Justin sitting at the breakfast table, his eye ls fixed on his untouched bowl of cereal.

I pursed my lips and slowly walked over to him. "Can I at least get a goodbye?" I mutter.

"Goodbye." He says curtly and stands up, stomping away and upstairs. I fall onto the chair he was just occupying, tears forcing their way out of my eyes.

"I never wanted things to end this way." I murmer to myself inbetween sobs.

Suddenly a car beeps outside. I hoist myself up on my feet and grab my suitcase, slowly dragging it towards the door.

"Hey." Pattie appears beneath the staircase, a questioning look on her face. "You leaving? Is that why Justin just locked himself in his room?"

I look down at my feet and shrug. "I'm going to Nashville with my dad. I can't lose him."

Pattie walks over and embraces me in a big hug. "I wish you the best of luck. I would never have wanted you to leave and obviously niether did Justin. He loved you, you know." She tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear in that motherly way.

"I know." I whisper.

"You should do what you feel is right." She gives me another tight hug. "Justin's heart is breaking right now. I really thought you were the one. The one he was going to marry." She pulls away, her eyes watering. "I guess I was wrong."

I try to hold it in but I burst out crying anyways, wrapping my arms around Pattie and crying into her shoulder. "I love him," I sob. "But my dad...I've got to give this a try. Living with him. My family."

My dad beeps again from outside and I pull away from Pattie. "I'll miss you." I wipe away my tears. "I'll miss Justin."

Pattie gives me a sympathetic look. "We'll miss you too. Especially Justin."

I pry open the door, the wind hitting my face. "Tell Justin to move on," I tell her. "For me. I need him to move on I can move on too."

Pattie nods. "I'll tell him."

"Bye Pattie."

"Bye, Lizzy" She smiles and waves through tears as I walk to my dad's car. He quickly gets out and welcomes me with a kiss on my cheek. He hoists my suitcase up in the backseat and pulls open the passenger door for me. I slip inside and wave back at Pattie.

As my dad pulls out of the driveway, I look up at Justin's window. He's standing there, staring down at me, his eyes sparkling with tears. He quickly wipes them away.

I give him a small wave. When he sees me, he pulls the curtain shut. I thump my head against the cold, glass window, tears rushing down my face.

"You ok, darling?" Dad asks me.

I slowly nod. "Yeah," I sniffle. "I'm fine."

"Hey," He gives me a small smile. "Cody and Aaron are anxious to meet you. They've always wanted a sister." He reaches over and nudges me.

I wipe away my tears and laugh softly. "Stepsister."

"But still a sister." He smiles. "You'll love Nashville."


Author's Note: Don't be mad at me!! I know where this story is going :) About 5 more chappies till the finale!! Excited ;]

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