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Darkness is an oblivion.
Oblivion on where to make yourself see the light.
The light that you needed for your life.

A feeling where there wasn't true enough to trust.
A truth that is hiding.
Hiding from the people who can easily judge you.
And judging you means you doesn't belong.

Circle of friends,
Family relatives,
And yourself.

You were judge,
The wrong way.
But is there a right way?
It's a big no.

People will criticize you,
Fat or slim,
Tall or short,
Handsome and beautiful or ugly,
Attitude or face.

Many differences,
Everything should be equal.
Everyone should unite.
Anyone should fight for their right.

Society isn't fair.
People's mind aren't too.
No one's fair enough to be judge,
And be the judge.

But you,
You should be fair to yourself.
You should know your worth.
You should fight for what you think is right.

Because in the end?
You will always fight,
Fight for your life.
In a world full of criminals.


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