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Souls have been heard
Heartbeats moves
Sounds felt learned
Life's hard earned.

Naked cream
Clothes on dream
Maybe, it's just a steam
Hanging in the line of beam.

Dark clouds form tightly
Raindrops fall heavily
Streamlines flowing angrily,
Souls shattered in dismay eerily.

Who would have thought?
Hearts have been taught.
Running in my mind like a wild
The wars that doesn't want to end in hald.

Let it be out
Fun had run out.
Sleeping like a baby,
Crying, weeping in a hurry.

Turn off the lights
As I enjoy the night.
Let alone be alone.
And never be an opium.

It's addictive.
Let it be apathetic.
Full of sympathy,
But not of empathy.

Feelings burned
Minds in chaos
Hearts cold
Life's dark as the night.

Starting to be heard
Moving in a stealth
Learning as felt
But life's always be an ending fairytale.

C.B. | courageousbeast

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