Gina is relentless

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Rosa is normally a bit hot head but recently someone has been getting on her nerves a bit too often recently. It was Gina. Rosa has never seen her work this hard on something in her all her time at the precinct, but here she was a few weeks after getting confirmation from Rosa about her feelings trying to set up her and y/n.

If it wasn't making faces at her while she talked to
y/n or making subtle hints of Rosa's feelings to you, she was setting up scenarios to get Rosa to ask you out.

Today was one of those days where she sent up a scenario. Rosa walked into the precinct to see a giant banner that said. "Will you go out with me y/n" and had Rosa's signed at the end. Luckily for Rosa y/n had a dentist appointment and didn't carpool with Rosa to work. Rosa quickly found a stable chair and tore it down before anyone could see it. She quickly stormed over to Gina's  desk to see it empty.

Rosa quickly made her way to the men's bathroom, where she saw and heard Gina. She stormed in and said," what the hell do you not understand about me saying when I'm ready?" 

"Are you not ready? Or are you afraid of rejection?" Gina asked
"Really? You think this is about rejection?" Rosa huffed
"No, I know it is. You're afraid that she's not gonna like you back. But news flash she does! Everyone can see it. So just ask her out already"
"You don't know what you're talking about" Rosa said before storming out of the restroom.

Rosa thought maybe the torture would stop, but she was severely underestimating Gina's relentlessness.

The first half of the day had gone by smoothly and Rosa found it quite enjoyable to be able to work with y/n without being messed with by Gina. However no matter how smooth sailing things seemed to be, 99 had a reputation of going sideways. This was one of those instances. However this time it was some crazy shenanigan Jake started or something in a case going wrong, it was instead a new recruit at the precinct. He hadn't done something wrong, well wrong in a normal sense  but as soon as everyone heard him make you laugh, Rosa's head snapped to look at what was happening.

The guy was obviously flirting with you, but you were two oblivious to notice.  However it did not go unnoticed by Rosa, as she turned her chair around to get a better view of what was happening.  If asked Rosa has always said she isn't the jealous type, however as she watched him shamelessly flirt with you she couldn't help but feel her face get hot as she watched in anger, probably burning jokes into the back of the new guys head.

Gina watched, her gaze switch in between you and Rosa. She noticed how Rosa got tense, tightening her jaw and clenching her fists.  Gina walked over to Rosa and leaned on her desk.

"What's wrong?" Gina asked
"Nothing" Rosa said through gritted teeth
"Hmm, y/n and that new guy seem to hit it off pretty well" Gina said, trying to seem nonchalant about it
"I can see that"
"You seem upset." Gina replied
"I am"
"Why?" Gina said feigning obliviousness
"You know why, that jackass thinks it's okay to hit on her at work!" Rosa exclaimed
"The only problem you have with it is that it's at work?"  Gina questioned

"Yes" Rosa said before getting up and going over to you end the new guy. She quickly made up some excuse about paperwork to get you to come back to your desk and away from whoever this new guy thinks he is. Unknowingly to Rosa, her actions had just inspired Gina's new plan and she was sure it was gonna work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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