One day

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Rosa had just been called into holts office
"Hello Officer Diaz. Last Friday you brought your girlfriend to Shaw's to meet everybody and I was wondering if you two would like to have dinner at my house, so I can meet her"

Rosa tensed up when he said that," I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline."
"Why everyone else met her"
"Not everyone."
"Who else hasn't met her?"
"Detective Diaz correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you and detective y/n close?"
"We are but... I don't feel comfortable talking about this" Rosa said as she walked off.

She went into the break room where she saw Amy comforting y/n.
"What's wrong? Everything okay?" Rosa asked worried something bad happened
"Brads only getting 6 months of jail time" Amy said.
Rosa joined them on the couch sitting next to y/n.
Rosa out her arm around y/n and pulled her close.
"It's gonna be okay y/n we'll figure this out"
Amy got a call on her radio to head a few blocks away so she gave y/n a hug and said,"I have to go but let me know if you need anything."

Y/n turned to face Rosa," what do you think I should do?"
"I'm not sure yet, we'll figure this out."
"What if I have to marry him?" Y/n said a tears started to roll down her cheeks.
"I won't let that happen, you won't marry him" and at that second Rosa realized just how tear stained y/N's face was.
Rosa gentle put he hand on the side of y/n's face and wiped away the tears.
"This may be the wrong time but you look good today" y/n said cracking a smile.
Rosa smiled, she locked eyes with y/n and time felt still. She realized she was still holding y/ns face. Rosa removed her hand and stood up to go back to work.  Before she left the break room she said," if you feel lonely just call me and I'll come over"

A few hours later
"Detective Diaz, I was thinking about our conversation earlier and I wanted you to know that I am your friend and you can talk to me"
Rosa paused thinking if she should tell him what happened
"The reason you didn't meet her is because we broke up"
"I'm so sorry detective, I apologize for asking about it"
"No, it's okay."
Rosa said before awkwardly walking away. Charles heard her say that and walked up beside her.
"Hey Rosa, why did you and your girlfriend break up? I thought you liked her a lot?"
"Things happen Boyle"
"Come on, you're telling me it has nothing to do with a certain detective?"
Rosa turned to face Boyle
"What are you implying?"
"Rosa I'm sorry if this upsets you, but you can't hide this everyone but y/n can see it"
"I don't know what you mean" Rosa said through gritted teeth.
"Rosa I get it you could be embarrassed or what ever. But you can't deny that ever since y/n joined you've had a soft spot for her. Whenever you were around your girlfriend you seemed on edge like you were hiding something... just tell me"
"Okay look Boyle I'll talk to you but you can't tell anyone especially y/n."
Charles nodded his head with a bit too much enthusiasm
"When I first met y/n I felt a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. After her and I's first real conversation I felt the need to make sure she was cared for and safe. Every time I talked to her that  feeling would come back. It would just come back stronger and stronger, when I was around her I was just so nervous. Then one day y/n and I were alone in her apartment, brad had left and she was telling me about her favorite show. I looked at the way her face lit up talking about it and I realized the feelings I felt towards her was love."
Charles was about to respond when Rosa got a call
"Sorry Charles I gotta go y/n asked to hangout"
"No it's okay. Go get her"
Rosa glared at Charles before walking away.

After a quick drive, and a few short stops.Rosa arrived to her apartment complex. She went in changed her outfit a little bit and went next door to y/n's apartment.

Newbie Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora