First day back

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It's your first day back after the incident. When you got there you were happily greeted by everyone. You got pulled into a crushing hug by terry and Boyle.

"Get off her" you hear Rosa commanded, and when they didn't listen she practically ripped them off you.
"Her wound is still healing, and we don't need you numbskulls making it worst"

"It's just a hug rosa, calm down." Terry said. 
"I am calm. And now if you excuse us, she needs to get to her desk."

Due to the bullet wound still needing time to heal you had desk duty for the week. You weren't complaining, it hurt to move still so the less movement the better.  This also means that when Rosa was in the bullpen she would watch you like a hawk and do anything you asked for.  You stood up from your desk.
"Where are you going." Rosa said,"I'll come with you"
"You're welcome to come to the bathroom with me."
"I know that was a joke but I'm coming just incase."

Rosa stood outside the bathroom until you were finished.
"Why are you waiting outside the bathroom instead of doing your work" you say as you exit.
"Making sure you don't get hurt."
"I-I was using the bath."

You just shake your head and head back to you desk, with Rosa following close behind you. She wouldn't leave your side unless forced too by holt. Which to your dismay meant that when she left you'd be stuck with Hitchcock and Scully.

It wasn't that bad, at least with Scully. Sure he was a little dumb and gross but he was sweet. Hitchcock on the other hand, was very flirty to put it nicely.  He meant no harm. But it  was very off putting.

You had been trying to do your work when Hitchcock came up to you and Rosa's desks.
He pulled out Rosa's chair and rolled it over to you.  He started hitting on you, in Hitchcock style.  He was definitely a strange one.  All of a sudden the elevator opens and out walks Rosa. Hitchcock, too in his own little world to notice kept on flirting.

She storms over and slams her hand on the desk.

"What are you doing in my chair?" She says, her voice was calm but you could hear the anger. 
"Oh I- I was just leaving."
"No you're not" Rosa said forcing him back down when he tried to leave," you're gonna tell me exactly why you think  sitting in my chair, hitting on my partner is a good idea."
"'s not" 
"Exactly, if I see you talking to her like that again I will skin you alive."  And with that Hitchcock got out of the chair and left.  Rosa made sure you were okay before grabbing Gina and walking into holts office.  Despite the door being closed you could still hear them.

"Diaz I get you're upset but it's not gina's job to handle Hitchcock. Let her leave."
"NO—where'd she go."

Gina has managed to sneak out while Rosa was yelling and came over to your desk. 

"When did you and Rosa start dating?"  She asked.
"We aren't  why?" You replied a slight blush on your face. 

"Come on y/n. You can't hide anything from me."
"I'm not hiding anything!"
"Rosa can have anger issues but she has never yelled at holt like that."
"We're frie-" you got cut off by Gina
"I don't believe that."
"It's complicated." 
"Tell me everything."

Before you could answer Rosa came back out and sat down at her desk.  She looked calmer now but still a bit angry.

"I'm coming over tonight." Gina said to you before leaving.  Rosa looked up confused at you.

"what was that about?" She asked.

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