The bachelorette after party

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You and Rosa say there looking at the stars happily. Sure there was some silence but it was comforting. It was just the two of you, enjoying each other's company.  

"You know y/n... there's something about you." Rosa said, most definitely influenced by the alcohol in her system.
"What do you mean?"
"You make me feel things I never felt before. Sure I've been in love, but it was never this immediate or this intense."
"Oo Rosa has a crush" you say, reveling you are just as shitfaced if not more.
"When I'm around you I get all nervous, it makes me feel like a middle school girl,"

You open your mouth to respond but she kept going.
"You make me want to be domestic, which the thought of that with anyone else is gross."

"Who would have thought it would take me getting married the next day for you to say something."
"I'm about to get married tomorrow and you confess now."
" shhhh no one else needs to know"
You laugh and smile back at Rosa, who's looking at you with so much adoration in her eyes. Shortly after you fall back into the comfortable silence you had before.

After a few minutes Rosa spoke up," don't marry him."
"You know I don't have a choice."
"I know, but please don't marry him"
"How? I'm stuck"
"Amy and I came up with a plan, but I'll only do it if you give me the okay."
"What is it?"

Rosa tells you her plan, making sure to include every single detail. You agree, happy at having a chance to be free. You turn to look at Rosa and you can't help but notice how pretty she looks. She looks completely calm, and like she has her guard down.

"Why are you starring at me?" She asks.
"You look beautiful under the moonlight"
"I-"-Rosa blushes-,"thank you. You look just as pretty"

"It's getting late Rosie, we should probably head home."
"I'll walk you home."
"We're neighbors, your apartments right next to mine"
"And? I'm trying to be chivalrous"
"Whatever you say"

Once you got to your apartment you opened the door And Invited Rosa in. She happily accepted and sat down on your couch.
"You can crash here tonight? And then we can get ready for the wedding together."
"That sounds wonderful"

You and Rosa end up falling asleep on the couch, your head resting on her lap.

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