Morning of

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You wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast being cooked.

"Wake up sleepyhead, you have a long day ahead of you." Rosa said from the kitchen.
"Do I have tooooo"
"Yes if you don't go, the plan won't work. Now get up and  come get food,"

You groaned while standing up. The hangover from the night before setting in.

"There's some Advil on the counter, I got it out for you earlier."
"How are you fine." You ask, while rubbing your head.
"Not all of us are lightweights lovely."
"Ughhh that's not fairrr"

Rosa puts a plate out in front of you and motions for you to eat up. While eating you discuss the plan for the day, and obviously recap the plan.

you  and Rosa took a shower and changed after breakfast . it was gonna be a long day as she said, and you had to look as good as possible. You didn't want brad or anyone else getting suspicious. If they thought just one thing was off it would ruin the whole plan.

Once breakfast and getting ready for the day was finished, you two got into the car and headed to the venue of the wedding ceremony. You and Rosa put on your dresses.

"Hey Rosie, can you help lace up the back of my dress?" You ask, walking out of the dressing room.

"I can try, I might not be the best at it"  Rosa smiles while walking over to you. after a few attempts Rosa managed to make it look nice. With the dresses on it was time for hair and makeup.  You and Rosa met up with Amy before all going to the hair and make up people.

"These people are apart of the mafia as well. Do not mention the plan." You warn. 

Once you three get there Rosa and Amy go first, then ushered out the room so no one can see the final look until the wedding. 

You were nervous to say the least. If this went wrong someone could get hurt, and you'd be devastated if it was Rosa. 

By the time your hair was finished everyone was there and in their spots. The whole precinct was there undercover, just waiting for the cue. 

You get up and head to the beginning of the aisle. You see everyone's head turn and lay their eyes on you. You take a deep breath before taking your first step towards the alter.

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