Planning the "bachelorette party"

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Rosa walked into Amy and Jakes apartment. She didn't want to be here. The wedding is 3 months away and instead of being able to enjoy the time she had left with y/n she was here planning a bachelorette party.

"Finally you're here." Amy said to Rosa
"So what's the plan with the bachelorette party" Rosa asked already tired of wedding talk

"Oh that was just a coverup so y/n wouldn't get suspicious."
"What are you actually planning?"
"Remember that plan you said you had at the wedding dress shop? Well I finally got some useful information."
"Why didn't you start with that?"
"Cause it's not fun, anyway I found out that with deals like this, If he goes away for life the mafia with consider the deal to be done."
"What does that mean exactly."
"Well the last time it happened the girl was able to actually date and marry whoever she wanted."
"We just have to get the evidence to all his crimes"

After hours upon hours of collecting evidence and data they were done. now they just had to wait for the right moment.

"Hey, Rosa? Why don't we just report him now?"
"It's too risky, we need one more piece of evidence and I know how we get it."
"You'll see"

Amy decided that while Rosa was there that she should go over the plan for the real bachelorette party. after going through her whole 3 inch thick binder of plans Rosa was finally able to head home.

Rosa opened the door to y/n's apartment to find her asleep on the couch. Ever since brad went to jail Rosa has been stay with y/n most nights. Rosa set her stuff down and sit down in the empty spot next to her. As if y/n could sense her presence she woke up. 
"You're back" y/n said happily before curling up to Rosa's side.
"Yeah sorry it took so long. Amy had lots of details she wanted to include"
"She's been planing our weddings since 3rd grade" y/n chuckles.
"I'm guessing this wasn't in the plans, huh?"
"Not at all, who plans on marrying a mafia leaders son?"
Rosa laughs as she starts to play with y/n's hair.

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