The hospital

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You've been in the hospital for a while now, it was your last day and you were finally able to leave and get back to work. You'd have to take it easy for a while but it's better then nothing. You still remember when you first woke up there. Rosa was sitting next to your hospital bed. Her voices was hoarse and her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, like she was crying.

"You're finally awake" Rosa said gently.  Despite them being bloodshot you could see her eyes light up. Her hand was holding yours, she was gripping your hand like if she let go you'd disappear.

"Is he being put away."
"You just woke up, and you're asking if brads going to jail."
"We won't know yet, but we got him shooting on camera so it'll be hard for him not to be put away."

Rosa tucked a pick of your hair behind your ear. 

"You really had me scared."
"THE Rosa Diaz scared?"
"I just watched my best friend get shot. So yeah"
"Just best friend? I thought we had something at the wedding" you joke, trying to lighten the mood.

For a split second you saw Rosa eyes panic before she realized you were joking. You two had planned that dialogue in advance. Sure you truly meant it when you told her you loved her, but how can you be sure she did too. 

"I stayed here the whole time."
"Did holt let you or did you just take off?"
"I took off. Holt wouldn't have been able to stop me." 
"You know Rosie, you look like you haven't slept."
"I haven't...I've been too worried."
"Go home and get some rest."
"I'm fine."
"Either go home and sleep or sleep here."
And with that Rosa nodded her head and leaned back in her chair to sleep. Right when you thought she was sleeping you see her lift her head.

"Why'd you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Jump in front of me?"-her eyes started to water-"I mean I could have handled the bullet."
"I know, but I didn't want you getting hurt while trying to help me." 
"I get that...but what if you died! you're lucky it hit you in a non-lethal area. A few inches off and-"

Rosa couldn't finish the sentence. But she didn't need to, you got the message. You reach up to her face and wipe away the tear falling down her face. 

"I'm fine right? We can't think about the what if's it'll eat us alive if we do." 
"I guess, but my point still stands. Don't ever sacrifice yourself for me again."
"No promises Diaz" 

And ever since she hasn't left your side, she even had cases brought  into the hospital so she could work and be with you. But now it was your last day and you were super excited. You and Rosa would finally be able to get some good sleep.

"Ready to go lovely?"
"Yes I can finally leave!"
"Just take it easy"

Rosa helps you leave the hospital and drives you home.

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