Thank you

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Y/n heard a knock on the door, so she got up from the couch and went to open it.
"Thanks for coming, the has feels empty now he's gone. I hope I didn't drag you from anything."

"No it's okay, I was kinda hoping to hang out. Oh by the way On the way here I stopped by your favorite coffee shop and picked you up a drink"  Rosa said handing y/n her go to drink.
"Thanks, you're the best ro ro."
"Don't call me that," Rosa said, trying to keep a straight face but couldn't help but smile. 
"Sooooo, there's this recipe I've been meaning to try for a while and I was wondering if you wanted to help?"
"Sure why not?" Rosa smiled

After 30 minutes of making the dough and shaping the cookies, y/n put them into the oven and set a timer for an hour and thirty minutes.

"Hey, Rosa I've been meaning to talk to you. Since the whole thing went down." Y/n says.
Rosa turns to look at y/n, noticing how cute she looked with her hair up.
"I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. You've helped me grow a lot as a person and you've always helped me."
"Y/n"- rosa said as she put her hand on y/ns lower thigh" you don't have to thank me. I'll always be by your side and I will always have your back"
Y/n's face had a slight blush, when Rosa noticed she felt her heart beat faster.
For a second they stayed there looking at each other, then y/n jumped back realizing they were slowly moving closer to each other. 
"So what should we do to kill and hour and a half?" Y/n asked
"How about we watch a bad movie, and make fun of it?"
"Okay, you pick" 

Half way through the movie the timer for the cookies     rang. Y/n paused the movie and got up to get the cookies with Rosa behind her.
"Heyyyyyy Rosa can you get the cookies out for me."
"Sure, but why,"
"I'm scared I'm gonna get burned by the oven."
"You work as a cop, your "fiancé" is in the mafia, and you're afraid of the oven?"
"Yes it's very hot and could burn me"
Rosa laughed and shook her head as she put on oven mitts and grabbed the tray. 

"Okay now it's time to decorate" y/n said while pulling out different bowls with icing and sprinkles.

While Rosa was busy putting icing on her half y/n got and idea. She got a bit of icing out of the bowl with her finger. She turned to Rosa and put it on her nose. 
"Y/n what was that?" Rosa said trying to stay serious but couldn't help but smile.
"I don't know"
Rosa grabbed some frosting from another bowl and put it on y/n's face
Before they knew it both their faces were covered in frosting. 
Y/n grabbed a cloth and wet it with warm water. Y/n and Rosa tool turns cleaning it off of each others faces. Right as y/n finished cleaning Rosas face there was a knock on the door.

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