Chapter 34

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After the game officially started, five champions appeared in the base.

"I feel like I can hear the audience screaming even through the headphones," Yuan Qian said.

Xiao Bai said, "Qian-ge, next time you pick Teemo, and I'm sure the audience will be even more excited than they are today."

Yuan Qian shook his head and laughed. "In that case, forget it. I still don't want to retire quite yet."

Naturally, Yuan Qian was exaggerating. In order to prevent the audience and commentators' voices from influencing the players' game judgments, the players all wore the best noise cancelling headphones. Jian Rong couldn't hear anything except his teammates' voices and the sound effects from the game.

After buying their items, the five of them simultaneously rushed out of the base and assumed the level 1 team fight positions.

Xiao Bai said, "Play well today, if we win let's eat frog tonight!"

To avoid falling into a food coma during a competition, professional players basically wouldn't eat anything right before the match.

Pine followed him closely. His voice was flat. "What if we lose."

"Less of that unlucky talk." Xiao Bai tossed a skill at him threateningly. "How could we possibly lose to Squid... isn't that right, ge?"

Lu Boyuan never said much when gaming. A few seconds passed before he said, "The frog tonight is my treat."

Xiao Bai: "Thanks boss!"

"Why aren't you saying anything ah, Xiao Rong." Yuan Qian glanced at Zed, who was standing in the middle zoning out. "Getting nervous?"

"He's definitely nervous." Xiao Bai said, "After all, it all depends on this round whether he'll be seen as a god or a madman."

Jian Rong noted down another tally on Xiao Bai's account before he said, "I'm thinking about something."

Lu Boyuan asked, "Thinking about what?"

Jian Rong opened the scoreboard and confirmed it again. He was silent for a few seconds. "I was thinking... about how nobody on the other team brought Exhaust."

Exhaust was a Summoner Spell1 that could slow an enemy champion's movement speed by 30% for three seconds, and also reduce their damage dealt by 40%. It was a skill that was excellent for restraining assassin champions.

But in this round, not a single person in YY chose this Summoner Spell.

When the enemy was playing an assassin champion, but nobody in the team brought Exhaust—if it wasn't an accident, then it was because they were looking down on Jian Rong.

Jian Rong felt like he had been offended.

He said expressionlessly, "Their ADC will take responsibility for this."

Lu Boyuan couldn't help but laugh. "...okay."

Squid's mid laner was playing Syndra this game, a champion who excelled at laning. Jian Rong's Zed didn't have enough damage or burst before level 6, so he could only hide behind his minions and carefully last hit the enemy minions.

"Tsk." Squid's mid laner laughed. "And here I was thinking he was all that... relax, I've locked this Soft down in mid."

Doufu glanced at the middle lane. "How come you haven't whittled down any of his health yet? Go up and use your skills ah, don't let him farm."

The mid laner said, "No rush, I can kill him soon. Nobody fight, let me have first blood."

In the stadium, the commentators were in the middle of seriously analyzing the match.

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