Chapter 60

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Jian Rong had already planned out how he was going to smash the box on the other person’s head.

He wasn’t just going to smash it, he was also going to give them a beating.

Lu Boyuan released his arm, and Jian Rong made to charge out the door like a cheetah that had just sharpened its claws.

Lu Boyuan didn’t expect that Jian Rong was actually intending to give chase. He immediately reached out and hooked his arm around Jian Rong’s neck, stopping him, and Jian Rong instantly withdrew his foot that he had just planted forward.

Lu Boyuan had just finished washing his hands, so his palms were cool, but Jian Rong felt like the places where they were touching prickled faintly before starting to burn. He subconsciously swallowed.

Jian Rong had thin skin, causing Lu Boyuan to notice the bobbing movement of his throat. Two seconds later, Lu Boyuan let go and patted Jian Rong’s head.

“They could be hiding anywhere this late at night, you won’t be able to find them.” Lu Boyuan said, “Put down the box.”

Jian Rong swiveled to the left like he was in the military, and he put the box down on the table.

The other people, who were in the middle of eating crayfish, stared blankly for a long time before they finally recovered. Ding-ge had just sat down for less than two minutes before he hastily stood up again.

Xiao Bai also followed him over curiously. “What is it?? Let me see!”

Jian Rong stepped to the side and made room for Ding-ge. Right as Ding-ge was about to open the package, Jian Rong extended his hand and pressed down on top of it.

“It’s pretty gross, and it smells bad.” Jian Rong glanced at Lu Boyuan. “Do you want to stand a bit further away?”

Lu Boyuan shook his head. “Open it.”

The box was opened once more. Xiao Bai instantly exclaimed, “What the fuck is this blasted shit,” before he covered his nose and hunched over like he was going to throw up.

Pine patted his back with a cold expression on his face. “Go to the bathroom if you’re going to vomit.”

Ding-ge swiftly closed the box again. He found some tape in a drawer and sealed it back up before he put it in the base’s entryway.

Nobody could bear to eat the remaining crayfish anymore.

Even though Xiao Bai didn’t end up vomiting, his face was still extremely pale. He sprawled across the sofa and peered around; none of the others appeared affected, aside from their expressions darkening a little.

“No way…” Xiao Bai turned to ask the first victim: “You’re not afraid? Do you not think it’s disgusting??”

The moment Jian Rong opened the package, he had indeed felt momentarily stunned. After all, inside was a ball of black and red, and it was impossible to tell what it was unless you looked closely.

After he saw it clearly…

“What’s there to be afraid of?” Jian Rong sneered. “It’s just some rats, it’s not like it was human flesh. If I have the opportunity, I can come up with something even more disgusting and return it to them.”

I Can Do ItOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora