Chapter 93

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The LPL’s two big powerhouse teams went to pray for blessings at the temple together.

That piece of news quickly spread online, and the pictures that a passerby took, which revealed the incident, were all posted on Weibo as well.

Because the pictures were secretly taken, they were fairly blurry, and barely any of them captured the team members’ faces fully.

When the news broke, the water friends and fans were all somewhat confused.

The fans of these two teams had been hammering each other for so many years now. It had already reached the point where if one side lost, the other side would set off firecrackers and give out red envelopes on Tieba to celebrate… so how come they kept appearing together on esports news lately?

The water friends who were curious, along with the ones who hoped that all the LPL teams could be friendly with each other and stand united against foreign teams, immediately rushed over to Soft’s stream, as he was currently live—

“We did go to burn incense.” The little bluenette chewed on his gum as he looked down at the minimap, his tone of voice as condescending as ever. “What… with PUD? We’re not very close.”

[I thought that you didn’t believe in this kind of thing? You don’t even burn incense on New Year’s Day, instead you streamed for 15 days straight during the past two New Year holidays. Yet you actually went to the temple today?!]

[You’re not close and you still go visit the temple with them? What, there’s a ticket discount for large groups, is that it.]

[Savior cues you all the time in his stream, but now you’re saying that you two aren’t close. Where’s your conscience?]

[Carrying away Savior, the penalty announcement has come out and the incident is over now. Let’s unbind our two teams, if you or your fans don’t mind, please don’t mention Savior again.]

[Who the hell bound themselves to you all? Even if my son is actually gay, it’s not like he’d be with Savior. Isn’t it more appealing to date Road?]

[Arguing again, the love and hate between esports fans and CP fans truly occur within a split second~]

[…………dumbass, why are you smiling?]

In the video, the person who had remained mostly expressionless the entire time popped his bubble of gum. It wasn’t clear which comment he had read; he pressed his lips together, trying to hold back, but in the end the corners of his mouth still curved upward as he smiled.

When Jian Rong first began streaming, he very rarely smiled, except for a twitch of his lips upon getting a pentakill. Back then, the old water friends all called him ‘Scowling King,’ and some people even joked that their real day-to-day lives were going way too smoothly, which was why they specially came to Jian Rong’s stream to seek out some unhappiness.

Later on, as he gained more water friends and started making money, allowing him to get by a little easier, Jian Rong’s smiles gradually increased—however, they were all the extremely mocking sort of smile, frequently accompanied by a breezy “that’s it?”.

A smile radiating with contentment like this one…

[This is the 7th time. In the hour he’s been streaming so far, this dumbass has foolishly smiled seven times for no particular reason.]

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