Chapter 87

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Every member of TTC had a clean shirt packed in their equipment bag. That way, it was a little more convenient for them to eat out at a restaurant or do other things after a match.

Jian Rong and Lu Boyuan had both brought white short-sleeved shirts. They sat in the backseat of the car they had called via an app, wearing the black masks that Ding-ge had forcefully stuffed in their hands before they left.

The temperature outside was warming up again, but in order to save money, the taxi drivers didn’t turn on air conditioning until the heat of summer hit. At a red light, the driver couldn’t resist glancing in the rearview mirror.

Though both of the guys were securely covered up, it wasn’t hard to tell that they had superior facial features, especially the taller one on the right, with the broad shoulders and long legs. According to the driver’s past experiences… they seemed like celebrities.

Something else was also quite odd. His car was an SUV, and the backseat was spacious, meaning there was more than enough room for them to each take a side. But the two guys were still sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, with a black backpack placed on the far right seat instead.

The taller guy suddenly looked up at him, and the driver hurriedly withdrew his gaze.

Jian Rong didn’t notice this brief interlude. During his livestream yesterday, he had promised his water friends that he would be streaming gameplay on the Korean server for the next several nights.

So at that current moment, he was in the middle of posting on Weibo. The content of the post was simple—[TTC ་ Soft: No stream tonight.]

In less than a few minutes, over 200 comments had popped up, cursing him out and saying that he was breaking his promise, going back on his word, had no ambition, and wasn’t a man.

Jian Rong thought, If I rejected Lu Boyuan and went back to the base to stream, then I really wouldn’t be a man.

The last comment he spotted before he locked his phone was one from a fan asking him what he was going to do if he wasn’t streaming.

Jian Rong hesitated for two seconds, locked his phone, and cast a glance outside the window.

Going on a date—did this count as one?

Apart from the members’ underwear and socks, the auntie washed all their other clothing for them together in the washing machine and then hung them up to dry, which was why their clothes all smelled like the same laundry detergent.

Lu Boyuan’s legs were long, so it actually wasn’t very comfortable for him to sit in the middle seat. Luckily, this was a big car. One of Lu Boyuan’s legs was carelessly bent, while the other one slanted towards Jian Rong, his knee pressing against Jian Rong’s leg without any real force.

Jian Rong tensed his legs and didn’t move an inch. He stared absent-mindedly out the window until Lu Boyuan spoke.

Lu Boyuan looked up from his phone. “Suisui’s mom is also at the clinic.”

Jian Rong was caught off guard. “Who’s Suisui?”

Lu Boyuan said mildly, “The little female cat.”

Jian Rong: “…”

Little Orange was the one in the wrong here, and Jian Rong was the worst at handling this sort of thing. He frowned. “Then how much money should we compensate her with in a bit?”

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