[9] A nords last thoughts should be of home.

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The worst hangover I've ever had? That would be right now. My head is pounding, I don't know where I am and I don't have full control of my limbs. I mean, I haven't had any alcohol for days now. My head is pounding because I took the pommel of a sword into it last night for biting an imperial pig who though he could try and touch me, I don't know where I am because I'm in the back of a shitty cart and no ones telling me where it's going and I don't have full control of my limbs because they're tied up, but the feelings comparable to a hangover from hell.

We'd been ambushed at Dark Water crossing two days ago. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was to pretty, too coordinated to be anything but rehearsed. We had a traitor in our midst and I'd skin the fucker alive.

I'd especially skin them alive for the two days I'd been held prisoner. I did not like being held prisoner. I mean no one did, but I really didn't like it and I really really didn't like it when jumped up little legionaries thought that it was okay to grab at their female prisoners and be a little less than gentlemanly. I took a black eye and a gash above my eyebrow that might leave a scar when I bit that imperial soldier but they left little Una alone after I showed them how a Stormcloak woman reacts to little boys like them.

Poor Una, she didn't deserve to die like this. Like livestock marched to the sword, she hadn't even seen eighteen winters, a girl from a farmstead somewhere who really wanted to defend her country. She was sweet. She should have stayed home, there's no place for sweet here.

I sharply inhaled the crisp air and looked around me, trying to shake off the last groggy tendrils of brute force induced sleep. I think this was Falkreath hold, or god forbid Whiterun. It was close to home at least. They'd bundled me up onto the cart with Ulfirc at least, my bear, gagged and bound next to one of the men and some whining horse thief.

"Finally awake stomblade?" Ralof asked with a grin tugging at the corners of his lips, flicking his hair out of his face. I winked at him with a cheeky grin of my own. I'd learned a lot of holding a commanding role in the army was leading by example. If you went to your death peacefully, perhaps the men would follow?

Tuning out of their conversation, I looked around. We were near Helgen, definitely. Thank Talos it wasn't Whiterun after all, I didn't need the people I'd known all my life to watch my head roll, or watch me dangle from gallows. The last time I came to Helgen I was here was with my father to get some fancy mead years ago, there was never a good reason to go to Helgen in my opinion.

Feeling a hand on my leg I looked at Ulfric, he had awkwardly managed to place his hands in a comforting gesture and I manoeuvred myself so I was able to grasp his hands. His eyes said everything his gagged mouth couldn't. They told me he was sorry and they told me that whatever faced us we'd be okay in the end. He was at peace with his gods.

In another life, where Ulfric hadn't been sent up High Hrothgar when we were young, gods when I was just a little child running around his feet like a dog, we might have eventually have been married. It would have been a good match, two good families. The jarls youngest son and the daughter of his commander. Maybe we'd have had children, maybe we wouldn't. A boy with my yellow hair dances in my mind. If things had been different we wouldn't be rattling towards our death just now, gripping each other's hands in the back of an imperial wagon.

"Shor, Mara, Akatosh, Kynareth, defines save us!" The horse thief cried.

"For the love of Talos" I muttered, snapping my eyes away from Ulfric's for a moment. "Face your death with some dignity and hope Talos deems you fit for sovengarde."

The people of Helgen were beginning to gather for the spectacle of death. That had been me once, watching the headsman's axe swing from the crowd, jeering, gasping at the spectacle. I'd never imagined it would be my head dropping into a basket, my body falling limp from the block.

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