[13] Just some wolves.

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"A troll!"
"By the gods, are we still talking about this?"
"Just a few wolves." I mimicked.
"Just a few my arse."
"Just don't mention the troll!"
"Dibellas tits! Shut up! It was a gods damned troll, calm down!"
"But he said!"
"Is this something you do now! Obsess? It's fucking annoying!"
"This place is sacred watch your damn mouth!"
"You just fucking swore!"
"Lydia! Shut up!"

Stepping back out of the monastery,"Well I'm never doing that!" I laughed.
"Yes you are. There's this little minor thing called a destiny" she sighed walking ahead of me down the steps.

The walk back to Whiterun was a long one, but it was nice. We simply talked, I was unwilling to stop for a break as the walk would only take a half day and we arrived at Whiterun around noon only to eat, wash and gather some supplies for the trip to Ustengrav.

"Can I have the attic room please?" I said looking up at the ceiling sceptically, I could see no attic in the small smokey inn, it was noon and almost empty save for the regular drunk and Sven.
"We don't have an attic room, but you can have the one on the left." The inn-keeper said a look of mild surprise falling on her Breton features.

"Shut the door." I said to Lydia sinking into the lone chair.
"I'm a Housecarl not a servant." she snapped.
"Just shut the door."

We weren't kept waiting long before the innkeeper made a dramatic appearance, ushering us into a secret basement.

I really want one of them now. It could keep Lydia out of my ingredients.
Some of them were really rare! I spent forever scouring Eastmarch for jazbay grapes.

"So your the famous dragonborn." she said looking me up and down.
"Sorry, I'm supposed to met someone here?" I said rolling my eyes.
"Ha, very funny." she said dryly leaning over the table while I leant against the door frame.
"Well I'm sorry I expected someone a little..." pausing, I looked the woman up and down. "Taller." I said with a smirk.
"Hmph, I'm sure you have some questions."
"Yes, where in the name of Talos is that bloody horn?" I snapped, I had went through a lot to get it. I was not leaving without it.
"I need to know your dragonborn first." she stated blankly.
"Do you want me to shout?" I said rolling my eyes.
"No I want you to go to Kynesgrove and kill a dragon with me."
"For the love of everything holy and divine, all right let's go."

Staggering into the palace of the kings I knocked back a stamina potion and a healing potion.
Lydia had decided to sleep at the inn but Ulfric was so close I couldn't not go to see him.

Drinking potions had become my thing, I didn't have the patience to wait for myself to heal naturally and I had a strong distrust of magic. Alchemy was my only foray in to the higher arts.

"Freya? What happened?" Ulfric asked worriedly.
I was certainly singed, I could see why he was worried. The dragon certainly didn't go down without a fight.

Ignoring what Ulfric had said I pressed my lips to his, our lips crashing together like waves on the shore.

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